I don’t watch the NBA, so I don’t get all the recent hatred for LeBron James. So what that this young man at 24 years old left Cleveland. I would too. Hell, I wouldn’t have lived there to begin with. Clevelanders should thank him for having stuck it out as long as he did not hate on him and burn his jerseys in the street for finally making a move. The right move.
I don’t know, Miami vs. Cleveland. For me, Miami wins, hands down. Maybe I am missing something, so, please fill me in someone.
All I know is that everyone now hates LeBron for either leaving Cleveland, not going to their city instead of Miami, or for putting on a narcissistic show of apocalyptic proportions on ESPN announcing his intention to go to Miami.
I did not watch the hour-long “Decision” on ESPN. But 10-12 million people did. So, why are we blaming LeBron for his “narcissism” when we feed into such behavior? Why watch and then hate? Give me a break. We get what we crave and we crave bad behavior just so we can bitch about it.
Also, didn’t LeBron take a pay cut to go to Miami? All in sacrifice to win a championship? Isn’t the NBA or any other professional sport about winning championships? Do not tell me that it’s about anything more lofty when we have free agency and players no longer have to be loyal to one team for their entire lives.
My east coast correspondent, Hayward Taylor found LeBron (above), now the newest member of the Miami Heat, as he exits the W Hotel in South Beach, Miami on his way to the Heat’s signing celebration party last night.