Robert Pattinson Runs From Paparazzi But Doesn’t Get Far [Video]


   Imagine having a really bad day. And imagine wanting nothing more than hiding from the world. 

Well, now, imagine being one of the most famous actors in the world, having a bad day. 
Apparently, that is what Robert Pattinson was dealing with – a bad day – and a pack of Paparazzi which would not leave him alone even after Pattinson asked cops for help. 
I ask you: Is fame worth the price of losing your privacy?


One thought on “Robert Pattinson Runs From Paparazzi But Doesn’t Get Far [Video]

  1. It’s total crap! There should be no such thing as a “price for fame”. They pay that when they have to have millions of people scream at them on the red carpet and have to answer a ton of stupid questions. Everyone has the right to go to the grocery store or a restaurant without people shoving cameras in their face and following them everywhere. They don’t owe us a picture or video of them buying a cup of Starbucks or spending a day at the beach. We are a sick society…well, a sick world actually!

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