Guess who the schmuck is? Me and anyone else who was fooled into hoping that a movie by such comedic powerhouses as Steve Carell and Paul Rudd would be worth the $14 ticket price. Or worth our time.
I wanted to leave the movie 10 minutes into it when I had not even laughed once. Then, Carell made his scene entry into the movie and a smile came across my face. “Carell will make it all better” I thought. Not only did Carell not make the movie any better, he made it agonizingly more painful.
Before you accuse me of not having a sense of humor, know that I have loved the two-previous Rudd and Carell joint ventures: The 40-Year-Old Virgin and Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy. Dinner for Schmucks is nothing like either of those two movies but instead more like a bad Saturday Night Live skit that goes on five minutes too long.
Schmucks uses plenty of cheap, tired, unoriginal tricks throughout to either grab laughs or to advance the plot but fails miserably at both. Best you can hope for are a few scattered laughs, amidst a lot of creepiness, meanness and awfulness. Save your money. Save your time. But, if it’s comedy you’re in the mood for, go see the aptly-named The Other Guys—as those other guys, Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg, brought it! That comedy left both my jaw and stomach in pain from laughing so hard throughout the movie. You can see the full The Other Guys review here.

hated this movie.
Thanks, I was 50/50 on watching this one, you just saved my $11 to spend on a better movie :o)