Indian Wedding Elephant Shocks Los Angeles [Video]


Well, only in LA and perhaps Bangalore.

A few months ago, I was in Santa Monica on Ocean Avenue adjacent to the world-famous Santa Monica Pier. What I witnessed that day was certainly a first for me and I am sure everyone else around me as well.  And as luck would have it, I had neither a camera nor my cell phone in tow, so, I could not take pictures of the most unbelievable scene transpiring before my eyes.

I have since relayed the story to many, but none have believed me due to the sheer absurdity of the tale and my lack of proof.

You see, what I saw that day was an oddity. Even for LA. I see a lot of weird things in LA but this was beyond my imagination or comprehension. I saw hordes of people dressed in wedding gear, walking, dancing and singing down Ocean Avenue, alongside the usual bumper-to-bumper cars that travel on the road, but all following a real-life giant-sized elephant which was prancing down the same street. For a moment, I forgot where I was. Then it hit me: “Yes, I am in LA and in fact on one of its most popular streets. And no, this is not normal.”

Apparently, I was wrong. Elephants on the street have actually become norm in LA. And thanks to my good friend Raha Lewis of, I now have the proof that yes, elephants do roam the streets of LA.

Thank God I wasn’t imagining all of this…Watch for yourself.

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