OK–I am stepping out of my celeb reporting ways for a minute and resorting back to my litigation days to give you all some good legal advice: If your wife goes missing, or if you posses drugs on your person, restrain yourself from trying out for a reality show the same day you report her missing. Or at least get rid of the drugs (for good). Deal?
Apparently, Smith had reported his wife missing to hotel security earlier in the day, but somehow managed to continue to tryout for the show. The wife’s body was discovered sometime after the tryouts began Saturday. No official cause of death has been released, but law enforcement sources say it appears accidental.
Smith was released on $10,000 bail early Sunday.
TMZ.com reports that Smith told police he and his wife took ecstasy on Friday night before going out on the town. Smith also said the two came home and eventually went to sleep. At 3am, his wife got out of bed and left the room. Smith assumed she was getting ice. When he woke up the next morning, she was not in the room.
After his audition, police interviewed Smith again which is when he told them the duo were on drugs the night before and that he still had some. That’s when Smith was arrested for drug possession and taken into custody.
Police suspect the wife fell from the 11th floor to the 3rd floor and have deferred the cause of death–it’s still undetermined whether her death was a suicide, homicide, or accident.

It was real dead at the audtions on sunday, until we all started partying in bar.