Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino got the lowest score on last night’s Dancing with the Stars and he was not happy about it.
The judges were rough on his tango calling it a “a terrible mess” and a “rough ride.” This must have come as a shock to The Situation after the judges picked his and partner Karina Smirnoff’s dance as their favorite last week. You can see the look of unbelief on their faces to the left as the scores were being revealed.
“I don’t know what their deal was. I really don’t know,” Mike told Us Magazine.com. “I was upset. I actually stormed off upset because I tried so hard. I really did. I changed my haircut, I don’t know.”
“Once I landed all those lifts and the judges were trashing me? I’ll be honest with you, it was in one ear and out the other,” he added. “In the back of my head, I knew those lifts were extremely hard. I tried my best, and if they didn’t see it and wanted to be negative, so be it.”
Here is The Situation in action, dancing the Argentine Tango. You judge his performance for yourself: