“We’re all just one small adjustment from making our lives work,” says one of Reese Witherspoon’s two love interests in her upcoming movie, How Do You Know. And by “small adjustment” he meant the addition of Reese’s character into his own life – a life that had taken a bit of wrong turn without any fault of his own but which he knew could be course-corrected with the right woman by his side.
In this movie, Reese has two equally-cute but horribly messed up men vying for her love – played by Owen Wilson and Paul Rudd. Each man would bring to the table different perfections and flaws – and it’s up to Reese to realize which one is the love of her life.
I won’t tell you who she picks or if either at all, but I will tell you to go see this incredibly charming movie. I don’t know why movie critics make a habit of slamming one romantic comedy after another, like they have this one. I mean, seriously, we don’t go in such films looking for Oscar-worthy moments. We simply want a break from our every day lives and in that respect, this movie delivers enough laughs and touching moments to qualify as a a great chick flick.

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