Gene Simmons has been with girlfriend Shannon Tweed for 25 years. They share a home and have two children together. But all of that apparently has not kept Gene from looking for lust elsewhere!
Gene Simmons himself claims he has slept with 5,000 women during his lifetime and 37 years of touring and what’s even crazier is that he also claims he can prove it!
Gene, the KISS rocker, is apparently an amateur photographer as well. During a call on the “Woody & The Wake-Up Call” show today on WCOL, Gene admitted he has taken a Polaroid picture of every single conquest “gracing” his bed, each holding the key to the hotel room where the dirty deed took place. Can you say “cheese-y!”
All that wackiness aside, I am more shocked to find out they still make Polariods?!

They *don’t* “still make Polaroids. He hasn’t been with a woman since he & Shannon got together.