Justin Bieber‘s world domination continues. We already heard that he was the most searched person on Google this year. His videos also dominated YouTube in 2010. But now, we also know that he kicks cyber ass on Twitter!
The teen phenom has just been crowned “The Most Influential Twitter Celebrity” in the whole wide world and the world wide web by Forbes.
To be on the most influential list, Forbes considered the celeb’s number of followers; how quickly and how often the celeb gets retweeted; the celeb’s frequency of tweets; and how influential others are in that celeb’s network.
Not so shockingly, Bieber earned himself a perfect score of 100.
Here’s a look at the top 20 Celeb Twitterers, listed by their Twitter Handles:
1. justinbieber 100
2. paulocoelho 96
3. joejonas 92
4. kanyewest 90.9
5. dalaiLama 90.6
6. nickjonas 90.1
7. ladygaga 89.6
8.ConanOBrien 89
9. iamdiddy 88.9
10. yelyahwilliams 88.8
11. BarackObama 88.5
12. KimKardashian 88.5
13. Tyrese 87.9
14. federicodevito 87.7
15. joseserra_ 87.1
16. TheEllenShow 87.04
17. AngelaSimmons 87
18. katyperry 87
19. ebertchicago 86.7
20. RickWarren 86.7