Note to self: “Don’t piss off Kelly Osbourne.” Noted.
The couple broke up this past summer amid allegations that he was unfaithful. Apparently, Kelly tried to give Luke another chance this Christmas, but things must have turned out badly. So much so, that Kelly has sworn off Twitter for a while, but only after she finished a tirade which started Monday and ended a day later.
That’s how it ended on Twitter. This is how it started:
“wow just found something out that has hurt my feelings so bad and christmas was going so well…”
“He is the worst thing that ever happened to me I don’t give a f–k what happens to him anymore.”
“He used me for my money and a free ride he is lucky I am not spilling the hole truth about what he did!”
“@Luke_worrall is the biggest piece of s–t he has been trying to get back w/ me I only came home for Xmas to see him mean while he has been F–king 100’s of girls as we as men behind my back all he did was use me all girls beware of @Luke_worral he is a using C–t!”
What was Worrall’s response? He seemed to take it all in calmly:
“Lies on twitter awesome,” he tweeted back, adding “I’m not going to spill personal business over Twitter I’m not that low!”