Michael Douglas is on a fast road to recovery after his arduous battle with stage 4 throat cancer. In a recent interview, he told The Hollywood Reporter that he is feeling stronger and stronger each day. “I’m happy to be feeling the way I do today,” Michael told THR, “as opposed to how I felt a week ago.”
Michael adds, “After all the adversity I’ve had this year with my health and my son’s incarceration, my ex-wife and the lawsuit — to be able to sit here and talk to you, I’m so happy.”
Stephen Galloway who interviewed Michael for THR described him as “fully alive, alert, deeply intelligent,” and said, “in person [Michael is] nothing whatsoever like the haggard figure that graces the National Enquirer and its kin.”
So, what is next on the agenda for this healthier Michael? He told THR that he will be playing the lead role in the upcoming movie, Liberace.
Michael, who was accompanied by his wife, Catherine Zeta-Jones, choked up during the interview, saying, “I’ve been overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support. Cancer has shown me what family is. It showed me a love that I never knew really existed.”
Congratulations Michael – I for one can’t wait to catch your new flick!