I don’t cover stories on Charlie Sheen‘s fun-loving escapades, as juicy as they seem to be. But my field reporter Hayward Taylor found a really good Sheen-related piece in the NY Post that I just have to re-print:
Comic Jim Norton is sick of people making fun of Sheen, calling him a “hero” instead.
He jokes: “What a shock that a guy who makes $2 million a week behaves exactly like I would with $2 million a week. As far as I’m concerned, if you make $2 million a week and you don’t have a hooker in your hotel room, you’re creepy and I don’t trust you. And I don’t do drugs at all, so for me it would just be more prostitutes. That’s how they would find me. I would be dead on the floor, flattened by a pile of prostitutes. I’d look like a cat in a hoarders’ house.”
Methinks Jim has a good point there. Stop paying that much money to someone that doesn’t know what to do with it and instead pay it to someone who deserves it, like, like, ……, hmmmm…..can’t think of anyone who would deserve so much cash. Seriously? $2M???