Big Brother may have to soup up its screening process because more and more of its former stars keep finding themselves in serious legal trouble after starring on the show.
Season 9’s Matthew McDonald is the latest reality star to find himself in a heap of legal trouble. He has pled guilty to and faces up to 20 years in prison for conspiracy to distribute Oxycodone in conection with a drug ring allegedly founded by his Big Brother costar, Adam Jasinki. If that is not bad enough, TMZ reports that all of Jasinki’s $500,000 winnings were infused into the massive illegal operation.
Good grief.
This isn’t even McDonald’s first sign of trouble with the law. He was arrested in April of last year for threatening to harm family members of his fiancee and accused of domestic violence against the fiance who was pregnant at the time of the alleged abuse.
Jasinski, was arrested in May 2010 when he attempted to sell 2,000 Oxycodone pills to an undercover detective outside of Boston.
Neither of these guys sound like a ‘Big Brother’ we’d like to have.

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