WOW – Bravo’s season finale episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills was a heart breaker and way too disturbing and shocking to watch.
Sisters Kyle and Kim Richards (Paris Hilton’s aunts) got into the ugliest word cat fight ever aired on TV with Kim calling her own sister a “f–king phony” and Kyle calling Kim a “liar,” “insane,” “sick,” and “demented.”
Kyle added: “You are a liar … [and] you are an alcoholic! Yeah, that’s right. I’ve said it now, and everybody knows. You are so sick. My husband has helped you every month and stood by you and taken care of you, okay, like you’re his second f–king wife!” Me, speechless.
Since the infamous fight, Kim who was intoxicated during the incident has entered rehab and Kyle has become apologetic. At least she has on her Bravo blog. Kyle writes:
“This is a very difficult blog to write. There’s so much pain and emotion in this episode. The events that transpired that evening were quite unfortunate and should never have occurred on, or off, camera. We both said and did things that we regret. My sister and I love each other very much….You may be thinking, ‘You have a funny way of showing it.’ And you’re not wrong. However, our arguments were never about what was happening at that moment. My mom used to say, ‘They’re crying about the apples, but it’s really the oranges,’ and that’s exactly what was happening here. After this horrible argument between Kim and I, we didn’t speak for a long time. My heart was broken and I suffered an incredible amount of anxiety and panic attacks. Next to losing my mother, this was the most difficult time of my life.”
There must have been some pretty heavy “oranges” at play here. I just hope the two are able to get past this incident and somehow find a way to mend their relationship.

so sad…this stuff should not air on tv…though it was entertaining!
crazy crazy world!!!
i think its kim’s fault
dude come onn!!!