Poor Archie! The 20-year-old David Archuleta, the cutie-pie runner-up from season 7 of American Idol, has been dropped by his record label after just two studio album releases.
“David was released from our roster,” a spokesperson from Jive Records told Los Angeles Times. Pretty terse harsh words about a singer they have had on their label for three years. Then again, this is a tough ass business and it’s all about the bottom line which Archuleta seems to have failed to meet.
Archuleta was just 16 when he lost Idol to David Cook. His 2008 self-titled debut was certified platinum and sold almost a million copies worldwide. But his second studio album (The Other Side of Down) has managed a meager 60,000 units in sales since its release October 5 of last year which explains the drop from the label.
Good luck Archie! You deserve better than this!

Hi. JIVE did not drop David; he dropped them! Please see his vlog: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0UY9H3vMTM JIVE made offers to keep him, and he is the one who walked away.
“The Other Side of Down” is a GREAT album that didn’t stand a chance, because JIVE did nothing~ nothing~ to promote it or push its singles to radio. Even most of David’s fans don’t know it exists. You can’t buy music that you’ve never heard…I’d encourage people to buy it, though.