Lady Gaga: “Madonna Loves Born This Way”


Lady Gaga was the guest on the Valentine’s Day episode of The Tonight Show and totally charmed the pants off Jay Leno by saying: This is not just a talk show! I’m just an Italian girl from New York. This is the big time for me!”

When asked how she celebrated her Grammy win, Gaga said: “I don’t remember very much. I know it was fun. I do remember being called drunky Gaga at some point.”

As for her new single, Born This Way which a lot of people accuse Gaga of ripping off Madonna, Gaga told Leno: “You know, there is really no one that is a more adoring and loving Madonna fan than me. I am the hugest fan personally and professionally.”

And the feeling may be mutual. Gaga continued: “I got an email from her people sending me their love and support on behalf of the single. And if the queen says it shall be, then it shall be.” So, there you have it. If Madonna doesn’t mind the alleged rip, why should we?

Gaga made two big announcements during the interview. First one: She is taping a film about Monster Ball for HBO. Second one: Her new music video will be out very soon. 
Watch parts of the interview for yourself:


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