What did you guys think of Anne Hathaway and James Franco as Oscar co-hosts? I ask because I still have not been able to watch most of the show – Too busy posting photos from the red carpet.
But the parts I watched did not seem too amusing or impressive. I mean, all I saw were verbal mistakes and shameless butt kissing of other celebs. They also lost me when Hathaway said a perk of her Oscars hosting gig was her chance to breathe the same air as Oprah Winfrey. Now, I love Oprah as much as anyone, but come on, really? Breathing the same air?
Maybe the earlier parts of their hosting were good? You tell me, cause I would love to know.
I did see the Oscars opening montage video and found that quite funny and well made.
Watch it for yourself as Hathaway and Franco try to break into Alec Baldwin‘s dreams ala Inception style: