I know I am not alone when I say, “I l-o-v-e Steven Tyler as a judge on American Idol!”
Ya ya, he’s quirky. So what if he’s blatantly hitting on some of the female contestants? Yes, he uncontrollably breaks into song at any given moment. And, yep, I caught him scolding veteran judge, Randy Jackson and telling him not to tell contestants they sing badly when they really really do sound awful.
All that aside, and maybe because of all of that, he is still the breath of fresh air this show needed at its most desperate hour.
So, when Idol started its Austin, Texas auditions show Wednesday night with an “apology” for Steven Tyler’s “outrageous” behavior, I was like, huh? What for? Who complained? No one ever apologized for Simon Cowell!
Then, Idol rolled the video clip. And the joke was on us.
American Idol, you are back you wacky favorite show of mine!
Watch for yourself!