Suzanne Somers wants to help you stay
Sexy Forever
by telling you all her secrets of how she still looks amazing at 64 years young!
Somers was at The Grove in Los Angeles to promote her new book, Sexy Forever: How to Fight Fat after Forty, and to spill some of her secrets to Mario Lopez of Extra.
Lopez asked her if she still uses the ThighMaster, and Somers quickly responded, “I can crack walnuts with my thighs!” After the audience and Lopez were able to control their laughter, Lopez asked Somers, “Where is your husband?” Not to let the funniness end, Somers responded, “He’s the guy over there with the smashed face!” WOW! Love you Suzanne.
Somers’ secret to fighting fat after 40? “Eat real food. Eat it if you can pick it, pluck it, milk it, or shoot it.” And if you listen to her, Somers promises 40 to look like the new 20.
A fan asked her what her motivation in staying healthy is. Somers responded, “Stand naked in front of the mirror. Every day. And you look at yourself long and hard. That motivates you.” You got a great point there girl, a great point.