UPDATE 4/16: Bijan Pakzad passed away at 8:30 AM Pacific Time Saturday. For full details click here.
BREAKING NEWS: Persian news reports that Bijan Pakzad, the legendary Iranian clothing designer and owner of the exclusive boutique named after him on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, is in serious condition and on life support after suffering a stroke or a brain aneurysm and falling. Story developing…
Bijan is the designer to the rich and famous. He suits up some of the world’s most powerful men including Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush, actors Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Cruise, and Anthony Hopkins, President of Russia Vladimir Putin, U.S. Senator John Kerry, and former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Tony Blair. His store in Beverly Hills can be visited by “appointment only” and has been described as “the most expensive store in the world.”
He is also known for his collection of expensive cars which he parks in front of his store, including a yellow Bentley Azure with black interior, as well as a black Bentley Azure with yellow interior.
Here is a video of Bijan in happier times:

wishing you well bijan!
Thank you for reporting this. Persian news stations got the story wrong by reporting Bijan had already passed and TMZ only reported this story after you did. Please keep us posted. Great site.
Get better BIJAN. This is so sad. Keep us posted.
Bijan is a great man and i hope he gets better very soon.
I wish him and his family all the best. Although I heard from his family friends that his life supports were disconnected early afternoon. Please keep us posted
i wish you had not supporterd the islamic republic agent alireza amir ghasem..the hated and corrupted traitor, that really tarnished your reputaion..mirza ghasemi is garbage…however, i also wish you a quick recovery and prey for you