Celebrity Apprentice Recap Summary April 17, 2011.
On tonight’s
Celebrity Apprentice, the players had to create a 20-minute live cooking demonstration for Omaha Steaks, making three-occasion specific meals.
Gary named Meat Loaf the chef without asking him if he even knows how to cook – which Meat Loaf doesn’t. Perhaps Gary assumed being named Meat Loaf means one is good in the kitchen but who knows what goes on in Busey’s mind. What was even worse is that no one came to join Meat Loaf in the kitchen, leaving all the work on the non-cooker’s shoulders.
Lil Jon had absolutely no tasks assigned to him which pissed off
Meat Loaf and
Lil Jon equally. When
Ivanka Trump came to check on the men, she pulled Meat Loaf aside who told her he had no idea what was going on and who was doing what. She asked him if he was a good cook and he said, “No.” Then Lil Jon ran out and begged Ivanka to “Save me please. Take me with you!” Ivanka told the camera that she felt like she had walked into a “group therapy session!”
On the women’s side, Hope wanted to host the show. Star Jones wanted Marlee to host one of the demonstrations because Star just can’t sit quiet and take assignments and listen. The women were surprisingly making some great meal selections and task assignments despite their lack of unity. Once they arrived at their test kitchen, they were all happy with the setup. The original menu was two steaks and a seafood meal, with La Toya Jackson having been tasked with making one of the steak meals. Ne Ne Leakes voiced her concerns that one of the steaks should be changed to a burger. So, Hope told La Toya to change her menu and cook a burger instead. La Toya deemed this last minute change as another tactic to give her a task at which to fail.
The men of Team Backbone were all simply stated, confused. Gary was all over the place and made no sense when giving instructions or speaking. Lil Jon was finally given a task: He had to cut up paper. John Rich was working on Meat Loaf’s menu but Gary came over and took charge and made changes. He told John to “Sit down boy!”
On the women’s side, La Toya who has grown up with chefs and cooks all her life instead of learning how to cook for herself starts a small fire in the pan, and NeNe actually says, “Oh my gosh, she’s trying to do the Michael Jackson on me!” No one gives credit to La Toya who is trying hard to do tasks she’s never had to do in her personal life, like cook a burger. Instead, NeNe goes behind her back and tells the camera that this is America and she can’t believe someone doesn’t know how to cook a burger.
On the big day of presentations,
John comes to the rescue and
Meat Loaf organize the food so that the cooking goes as smoothly as possible.
Gary and
Lil Jon work on making the Omaha Steaks variety packet look good by–get this–simply putting the meat into black tissue paper.
The women decide to not cook anything during the demonstration and just show off three finished meals instead. La Toya ran through her presentation as a test and Hope’s biggest piece of advice to her was to “speak up.” To the camera Hope said, “If she keeps baby talking, someone is going to smack her.” NeNe was getting frustrated because her test time was being cut and interrupted by having to wait for sign interpretation for Marlee Matlin. Hope was getting frustrated with NeNe because she’s “more nervous and gets more frustrated than anyone knows.” Despite all their cattiness, the ladies worked it out and did a pretty good job in cooking the meals.
Meat Loaf felt the most unprepared he has ever felt in his life. In addition, the menu was all wrong and listed the wrong sides and had typos. Gary tried to pin the mistakes in the menu on John and John would not take the blame. John instead blamed Gary for not proofing the menu and said instead of listening to him yesterday, he called him “boy.”
La Toya kicked ass on the actual presentation. But all Hope could muster is “La Toya wasn’t loud enough.” Star, NeNe and Marlee also did fantastic on their presentations. But NeNe still had to find a negative in the great day. “If we failed anywhere is because La Toya and Star did not cook [during the presentation]. I actually turned on my oven and cooked my lobster tails.”
Meat Loaf did a great job at the presentation despite not knowing how to cook.
Gary actually was funny and put on the charm.
Donald Trump met with the Omaha Steaks executives and this is what they told The Donald:
“The men were extremely enthusiastic. And
Meat Loaf is a terrific chef.”
“The women were terrific. They were very well organized. They obviously really worked as a team (HUH?!) and gelled as a team. But the women didn’t do as much live cooking as the men.” They called out NeNe for failing to say “Steaks” when naming “Omaha”.
The execs noticed that
John and
Lil Jon did not participate much. They liked
Gary‘s narrative style but said he dragged it out too much.
In the boardroom things got ugly.
John called Gary‘s management style: “Catastrophic collapse of time management.” Meat Loaf actually said he likes Gary but said he felt overwhelmed with his task and said if it weren’t for John, there would have been no presentation.
Lil Jon started his review of Gary with: “I like Gary.” Then he went for the jugular, “But Gary is not always here on earth with us. He was orbiting the outer space for the last two days…I am dead ass for real. We were so frustrated. Like I didn’t get anything to do. He made me cut up paper. I felt like I was in kindergarten.” Gary just sat there, staring into space but did at the end speak up and say, “He helped me very much in arranging a package for the ultimate celebration package..” Lil Jon interrupted: “Putting tissue in a box? You’re a grown ass man, you’re supposed to be able to do that by yourself!”
The women all said
Hope was a great project manager, except for
NeNe who called her just “good.”
Marlee said Hope was “spectacular!”
La Toya said the team was unified and said she has made friends for life (WHAT?!?!?). Donald challenged her and asked her who she considers a friend and who she would see after the show. La Toya then back peddled and said if she called Star and Hope on the telephone, “I think they would say ‘hello’ and speak a little bit…And Marlee as well.” She did not name NeNe.
The women won yet again and actually looked like they were getting along well back in the suite. Well, I spoke too soon. There went NeNe telling the camera: “I was very happy for Hope. But I wasn’t feeling like celebrating because I keep getting a label in the boardroom. I don’t really like them. Really, of all the girls, I am the least negative, and I really can’t understand what I have done to be given a label.” Star stood up for NeNe saying she’s not a negative person and went over and consoled her. NeNe called La Toya a ‘bitch’ to Star for saying in the boardroom she would not call NeNe.
Back to the men in the boardroom. John said he had a problem being called a “boy.” Gary lied and said, “I didn’t call you a ‘boy.’ I said ‘KaBoy’ [Sidenote: or CaBoy–it’s a Busey-made up word so not sure on spelling!] like they call the Dallas Cowboys.” John said: “My name is John…I’m shocked I didn’t flip out but I reminded myself this is for charity.”
When Trump asked him which two of the men he wants to bring back to the boardroom, Gary said all three of his teammates “were excellent. It was catastrophic and chaotic and I don’t have a feeling to fire anyone.” After some more talk, Meat Loaf looked constipated. Trump asked, “Meat Loaf this is really bothering you? Well then Meat Loaf, you know what? I am gonna make you very happy…Gary, you are very talented, you’re very unique. You’re an amazing guy and Gary, you’re fired. Go.”
On his ride to never never land, Busey said his team just didn’t like him and were “determined” to kick him out despite how well he did. And then in pure Busey fashion he ended his time on the show by saying, “I can turn a thunderstorm and a tornado into a rainbow and I am flying over the rainbow tonight. Who knows, it could be true!” Ya, he really
did say all that.
Tune in to Celebrity Apprentice next week because it looks like a great show down between NeNe and Star is in the works. And La Toya, who I must admit, I am falling in love with!

WONDER how boring the show will be without Gary…guess Nene will have to provide all the exctement from now on.
Caboy is a real word dumbass.