Ralph Macchio and Karina Smirnoff danced the Paso Doble to Everybody Dance Now by C&C Music Factory on Monday night’s Dancing with the Stars. During rehearsals, Ralph said “Maks comes on the stage, rips his shirt off. That’s not gonna happen here. I will find another way to be sexy.” Karina decided to incorporate the famous wax on, wax off moves Ralph knows from the Karate Kid into their dance to make him feel sexy.
Ralph was all Matrixed out for his outfit. During the dance, Karina slipped on Ralph’s big coat and fell but Ralph did not miss a beat. He gallantly grabbed her hand and they moved on like pros. That move alone should have gotten him a few extra points out of the judges. But the judges continued their pattern of scoring this duo way lower than they deserve and placed him second to last for the night.
Bruno (8): “I started to feel the fire. Furious with throbbing viral intensity. So I am very encouraged by it.”
Carrie Ann (8): “Ralph-San, Mr. Miyagi would be very proud of you for getting right back up and right into the dance. I’m very proud of you. I know Karina got a bit thrown off cause that was a pretty hard fall. It’s really about inspiring people and getting back up. And the way you got up put the rest of the dance to shame.”
Len (8): “I am not going to castigate you. I am gonna congratulate you. You pulled Karina up. You got her back on her feet straight away. You didn’t miss a bit. I am proud of you and you should be proud of yourself. Well done.”