I just found out there was a website created in 2007 taking people’s predictions for the date that Amy Winehouse would die.
That’s not even the sickest part. The correct guesser would be crowned Mr. or Mrs. Death and win an iPod Touch.
The site now reads: “Since we launched this site we’ve had hundreds of thousands of hits, 237 hate mails telling us we’re the devil in disguise and 96,026 people who left their predictions. Out of all those entries only 4 were correct. The first person to do so did it on December 21st 2007 and we’ve called her the winner of the iPod Touch. We will be contacting her via email.”
On the actual date of Amy’s passing, the website had posted, “Amy Winehouse has passed away. Let’s hope her demise is an example for young people in how not to deal with your problems. May she Rest In Peace and her music live on.”