Big Brother 13 episode # 4 aired Sunday, July 17, 2011. Jordan won H.O.H. last week and had to put two houseguests up for eviction nomination tonight.
Sunday’s show starts with dumbfounded newbies who were confused and concerned that Keith, not Porsche, was voted out despite their apparent agreement otherwise.
As we remember from Thursday’s episode, Kalia and Shelly went against their newbie alliance and voted against Keith, giving the oldies the votes they needed to accomplish their goal of getting rid of a strong newbie. Dominic and Adam were trying to figure out who lied about their votes. The oldies just assumed Kalia and Adam voted their way.
Kalia told the camera that she voted against Keith because he called her out in front of the newbies as a friend of the oldies alliance.
Shelly said in the diary room that the best thing about voting with the oldies alliance is that none of the newbies or oldies knew she did it.
Adam realized the newbies are not united and feels like he can’t trust anyone. Lawon felt completely blindsided by the betrayal and said in the diary room that he felt “furious like a volcano in Hawaii about to erupt.”
Leave it to Rachel to say it like it is in the diary room: “We were in such a tough spot, but we were still able to pull together house majority. If the newbies band together, they could have evicted Porsche this week and we’d be in a really tough spot. So, I am thanking all my lucky stars that these newbies are idiots.”
Eventually and after much discussion, everyone thought Adam was one of the newbies who turned on the newbies. Based on this wrong assumption, Dominic told Cassi that Adam is dead to him and that he wants to shake things up and possibly get Daniele to their side.
Keith’s eviction made Adam realize that he is on a weaker alliance that he can’t trust. So, he went to Jeff and Jordan and admitted he voted to evict Porsche. He told them the alliance he thought he had with the newbies is not there and told Jeff that the oldies know how to play the game better than the newbies do, so, he wants to join their side. You know, for real this time. He also said if he gets the Golden Key, he will owe them a lot. Seriously, can he be trusted at this point when he is so desperate to be on a winning side?
Dominic starts flirting with Daniele because he says that’s the only way to get through to her. And his strategy is working. Daniele told him she will try to get the oldies to vote Adam out instead of him. She told Jeff and Jordan that Dom could be easily manipulated and they should get rid of Cassi instead.
It didn’t take Rachel long to find a new nemesis in the house even though she and Brendon decided to play nice this season. Things went south when Cassi told Rachel she did not like Porsche and Rachel told her “some of us like Porsche and she’s here for another month,” before walking out on her. Rachel says Cassi gets on her nerves and told Jeff and Jordan that Cassi is after them.
Houseguests had to suit up as “super” ants –each duo packed into one ant suit–and go to a picnic with giant-sized food. The first group to collect four food crumbs by crawling through slimy ketchup and baked beans would win the competition. Brendon and Rachel won the competition by using the strategy of having Brendon on Rachel’s back–a position she said she usually enjoys. TMI.
When the competition finished, Kalia seemed injured and could not move at all. She was crying in agony and no one knew why. BB medics came to the rescue and cut Lawon out of the suit, leaving Kalia better all of the sudden. She was cleared by the medics and said most of the pain was fear. Shelly said to the camera, “It was drama, save it for your mama…but not this mama.”
America picked beef jerky and jelly beans as the “treat” that the have nots could have for the week. Everyone was upset but Adam who loves beef jerky.
Dominic told Jeff and Jordan that his back is against the wall and he wants to play with them now. Jeff said, “you have to climb the ladder before you get to the roof….we have to be able to trust you…and listen, you have to vote our way….or go home.”
Cassi told them she wants her and Shelly to stay in this game as long as possible and will have no problem putting up other newbies.
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