Big Brother 13 is in full swing, pitting ally against ally!
Wednesday’s episode started with Adam and Dominic being on the eviction chopping block, having been placed there by H.O.H. Jordan. Jordan felt that Dominic is the leader of the newbies, so, he was Jordan’s target.
Rachel seemed upset in the Diary Room because she deems Cassi as the target and by nominating Dominic and Adam, Rachel feels that she may not be able to trust Jordan and Jeff’s abilities moving forward. Cassi told Dominic to cut a better deal with the oldies than Adam may have, but Dominic said that’s not his style and he will just fight.
Jordan promised Adam that they all have his back and will save him if he throws the Veto Competition and Adam agreed.
Rachel and Porsche continue to get closer by hating on Cassi–They both want her out. Lawon sees them talking and says that is bad news.
Daniele continues getting closer to Dominic and tells him that even though she pushed for Cassi to be put up for eviction, the oldies wanted Dom out. She also told him that she wants to play the game with him because she wants to win and is not here to pay for anyone’s wedding or summer vacay. In order to do this, Daniele says in private that she needs to kick out Dom’s closest ally, Cassi.
Daniele and Rachel then talk and figure out that they both want Dominic to win the P.O.V. Daniel and Rachel also realize they both dislike and distrust Cassi and want her out. Gee, I wonder why all the women are ganging up on the pretty model?
Rachel continued her “I hate Cassi” campaign and told Jordan she needs to kick her out of the house. Of course Brendon jumped on board to support Rachel and called Cassi “shady.” Brendon also told Jordan not to spend so much time with Cassi because she’s just trying to fish information out of Jordan.
Jordan is no dumbo and she gets it! She says in the Diary Room that all Cassi did is say one thing about Porsche to Rachel and now Rachel is blowing it way out of proportion–she said Rachel is a bit exaggerated and over dramatic. Jordan couldn’t be more on the money. After all, playing this emotional is what cost Rachel the game last time she was on BB when she made the game a personal vendetta against Kristen Bitting. Rachel had promised herself that this time around she would play a less emotional game, but all signs point to a #fail for Rachel.
Jordan told Jeff she doesn’t want to seem two-faced to Cassi because she feels Cassi is sweet and genuine. Jeff says he doesn’t understand why everyone is going crazy already when they have only been in the house for two weeks. He also said in the Diary Room that Rachel is like that gnat that buzzes in his ear and she needs to relax and he needs some Rachel Off. Jeff told Jordan to tell Rachel to relax because she is too exhausting.
Jordan told Cassi people are throwing her under the buss because she is “gorgeous” and they are intimidated by her looks. I couldn’t agree more. Cassi says in the Diary Room the petty jealousy that some of the girls are displaying in the house is the exact reason why she didn’t tell anyone in the BB house that she’s a model.
Jeff and Jordan play as HOH. Adam and Dominic get to play because they are on the block. Jordan pulled the names of Brendan and Rachel as the other players that get to participate. Dominic felt dejected and Adam was planning on throwing the competition anyway.
Rachel took Brendon aside and asked him if he would be OK with changing the nominations if the two of them win the POV. Brendon said at first that they can’t go against Jeff and Jordan. Rachel said she’s scared that Jordan is easily influenced and Brendon told her not to leave Jordan alone with Cassi. Somehow, Rachel was able to convince Brendon to make a deal with Dominic if they win the POV and Brendon said there is no reason why they shouldn’t win. They told Daniele of their plans which made Daniele happy because she will get what she wants without getting her hands dirty and pissing off Jeff and Jordan. Rachel said she’s doing this not to turn against Jeff and Jordan but because J&J are not making good decisions. Last time I checked, Jordan won this game Rachel, no? And you, well, you didn’t.
Lucky for Dominic, the POV turned out to be an individual competition, so, Adam could not throw the game for both of them. To win, the players had to walk on a balance beam while chewing a piece of gum–they would then have to place the piece of gum on a board, with enough pieces to draw a Veto sign. The rules stated that if you fell during the game, you were out unless you accepted a two-week diet of slop. If you accepted, you could keep playing until you fell again or the game was over.
Adam said he has no sense of balance and didn’t even ride a bicycle till he was 12, so, it was easy for him to fail at this game without even trying. Jordan was the first to fall. She tried to take two weeks of slop, but Jeff screamed, “NO NO NO, don’t do it.” Her refusal to take slop, proved to Rachel that she needs to take control of the house. She uttered loudly, “If the HOH won’t play this game, then maybe we shouldn’t be either.” Jeff was pissed because he said can’t stand people taking shots at others.
Rachel fell off and without hesitation agreed to take two weeks of slop. And she fell off immediately again so she was out of the competition for good. DUMB DECISION RACHEL! YOU NEED YOUR ENERGY!
Dominic was neck and neck with Brendon and Jeff but Jeff couldn’t concentrate because he got tired of hearing Rachel yell, “Good job Brendan” over and over. Dominic ended up winning the POV.
Right after the POV ended, Jeff told Rachel in front of everyone that he didn’t appreciate her comments. “Are you talking to me?” Rachel shot back. Jeff said, “Just do what you do and keep your mouth shut. Don’t worry about what [Jordan] does.” When it was over, Brendon came to touch Rachel and she pulled away, “No, hmmhmm, stop!” and she walked away. Brendon followed her and told her that she should not have spoken like that or taken the slop. He said, “keep your head in the game. No emotion.”
Jeff joins Brenchel and said let’s continue talking inside but told Rachel that she should not have taken the slop when she was not in the lead anyway. Rachel fought back and of course the newbies were seen smiling and loving this riff in the oldies’ camp. Rachel ran and started crying in the bushes while the rest of the houseguests watched in disbelief. Rachel then said she was embarrassed because she fell. Brendon kept a level head and tried to calm her down. Kalia later said in the Diary Room that Rachel needs to back up what she says and “Don’t let your mouth write a check your butt can’t cash.”
Adam was ecstatic because the Veto Competition could not have gone better for him. He kept his word to Jeff and Jordan by not playing well, yet, he knew he would still get taken off of the block because his partner Dominic won.
Jeff started to wonder if Rachel was more a liability than an asset and asked Jordan if they should backdoor Rachel and Brendon. Jordan was again right on point when she said Rachel was just mad because she didn’t win and when she doesn’t win, it’s the end of the world for her.
Brendon wisely took Rachel away to cool her down in private. Rachel wanted to go tell Jeff that Jordan is HOH because they let her win. Brendon told her to stop; Rachel pouted and then said, “No wonder America hates me.”
Rachel eventually went to Jordan and told her she was sorry. Jordan immediately said she was not not mad at Rachel. Jeff knew the apology was forced but still said let’s all work together so Lawon doesn’t end up winning BB.
Jordan had Shelly and Cassi in her BB HOH room and told them she does not want to put them up on the block. Cassi asked Jordan to consider backdooring Brenchel because it would help everyone in the game. And she made sense.But if you think about it, with Rachel gone, Jordan and Jeff would have the biggest targets on their backs as the best players left. Jordan later consulted with Jeff and he told her he would stand by Jordan if she put up Rachel and Brendon. Jordan said she’d love to be able to do a big play at some point.
Dominic used the POV on himself and Adam. Jordan stuck with her veteran alliance and placed Shelly and Cassi on the chopping block. Rachel then looked at Porsche with a huge smile on her face. Rachel later said in the Diary Room that Jordan’s replacement nomination made her believe that Jeff and Jordan are on her side.
Regardless of the fact that the veterans stuck together this week, there is definitely a crack in their alliance–Rachel is getting on Jeff’s nerves and Daniele is forming a side alliance with Dominic. Do you think the veterans can continue playing together and dominating the BB house? Who do you think will be evicted tomorrow?