Big Brother Nominations 7/10 Recap


Big Brother 13 week two episode on July 11, 2011 started with the oldies/Dynamic Duos (or the Allstars as they like to call themselves) conspiring against the 8 newbie houseguests. Most of us know by now that Evel Dick Donato has left the show, but, he was still present when this nominations episode was taped and aired.

We hear Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas talking about the effect of the new Golden Key on the game which allows the holders of the key to float through the first four weeks of the game with no eviction, no competition, and no slop. Rachel says this is a whole new game than what she is used to. Brendon says the new game favors floaters and he and Rachel still hate floaters. Rachel gives floaters an official name, “Golden Ticket Holders.”

Before he leaves the Big Brother house, Dick tells the oldies that the newbies are like the three stooges and will go down like they are on a shooting range, one after another. To achieve his domination plan over the newbies, Dick suggests they bring two newbies on their side to out number the newbies. Daniele suggests that they can offer the people safety in exchange for later loyalty.

Meanwhile, Dominic Briones, Keith Henderson, Cassie Colvin and Lawon Exum have formed an inner alliance against their own partners and agreed to keep each other in the game until the final four. They name themselves “The Regulators.”

Dick sees Porche Briggs as a strong competitor and easy to manipulate over time so he asks her to join them and she agrees. Porche tells Keith of her agreement and gets his apparent OK but Keith runs to Dominic and spills Porche’s beans. Dominic tells Keith to pretend to go along with Porche.

Dick also tells Adam Poch that he would like to have a chat with him. Adam meets Dick and the other oldies in Rachel’s HOH bedroom and is told that if he gets nominated, they would pool their votes to give him the Golden Key and send his partner Dominic home. In return, they ask Adam to throw competitions for them and pool his vote with the old timers. Dick gets a bit cocky here and makes Adam feel that he should see this offer to team up with the Allstars as an honor. “It’s an offer you can’t refuse,” Dick tells Adam. Adam agrees in person but when in diary room, he tells the camera that Dick is a pupet master and all Adam can think about is getting Dick out of the house.

The ‘Have and Have Not’ competition was held and three teams were formed with four people in each team.  Brendon and Rachel are automatic Haves this week since they are the Head of Household. One of these three teams would be declared a loser and would have to sleep in an uncomfortable bedroom for a week which looks like an insane asylum with padded walls. Shelly Moore says the room looks like a looney bin. The losers will have to have the room’s lights on all the time and eat BB Slop for a week. Oh ya, and they can only take cold showers for the week.

The theme of the competition was moon craters. The players had to dive into a crater of milk and then head to the lunar landing to get their teammates to squeeze out enough milk to fill 6 huge jugs. The last team to complete the quest would be the ‘Have Nots’ for the week.

The blue team finished first which consisted of Dick, Daniele, Jeff and JordanThe green team finished second which consisted of Keith, Porsche, Adam and Dominic. The orange team finished last which were Cassie, Shelly, Kalia and Lawon.

Here are the ‘Have Nots’ for the week:

Rachel then calls everyone in for the Nomination Ceremony. Brendon is already safe as Rachel’s partner. Daniele and Dick are the first to be declared safe this week. Danielle and Dick pull Jordan and Jeff’s keys. Jordan and Jeff pull Lawon and Kalia’s keys. Lawon and Kalia pull Cassie and Shelly’s keys. Shelly and Cassie pull Adam and Dominic’s keys.

Keith and Porsche are nominated for eviction, leaving Porsche shocked for having been put up this week. Keith knows the Regulators will support him and feels safe. In the Diary Room Rachel says that she wants Keith to be evicted and to give Porsche the Golden Key so she will vote with them each week.


Join Big Brother 13 on Wednesday for the Power of Veto and Power of Veto Ceremony.
PLEASE DO what Brendon Villegas does and follow me like he does on Twitter and Facebook so I can send you updates of every important Big Brother scoop I get!


The Power of Veto competition has already taken place.

Rachel and Brandon along with Jeff and Jordan and Porsche and Keith compete for the POV. Adam is the MC. Rachel wins POV. Rachel decides to leave the votes as is, meaning Keith and Porsche remain on the block.

What do you think of the nominees? Did Rachel make the right decision? Who will go home? Porsche? Or Keith? Who do you think is the strongest player in the house is? And what do you think will be the effect on the game when Dick leaves unexpectedly?


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