UPDATED 1:26 PM PT 7/30: Big Brother 13 major spoilers below for the episode to air Wednesday August 3, 2011.
Do not read if you do not want to know spoiler results of who won HOH competition and who was nominated for eviction. If you don’t mind knowing spoiler results, then, keep reading. OK, LAST WARNING!
“Big Brother Slalom” was the name of the Head of Household competition and it was an endurance task. The game would crown winner the person who stayed on suspended snow skis the longest. Also, there were five snowballs and the first five who dropped got to open a snowball and there were either good or bad surprises in the snowballs, including a $10,000 cash prize.
If you want to know who won the HOH competition and who was nominated for eviction, keep reading. This portion has not yet aired on CBS but was aired on the live feeds:
Daniele won the HOH competition. As for the snowballs, Jeff won the $10K, Adam has to wear the elf outfit for a week, Brendon is a have not. Daniele has nominated Rachel and Brendon for eviction and Rachel feels back stabbed by someone she trusted….come back later to see who wins POV!
Rachel, Brendon, Porsche, Jeff, Dani, Adam played. Lawon hosted. Brendon won the POV!
FULL RECAP OF 7/31 Big Brother coming by 12 AM PT tonight!!!
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