Casey Anthony was found not guilty today and the verdict resulted in more shock than the OJ Simpson verdict for most of us, including the celebs. Here is what some of the celebrities said via Twitter today:
Nancy Grace: “#CaseyAnthony defense team #Jose Baez having party inside a bar right now- celebrating. I’m not preaching… but I think that’s wrong.”
Joy Behar: “I am shocked by the #caseyanthonyverdict. Though I can’t say this is the first time Florida screwed up on an important vote. #HLN”
Rainn Wilson: “Dear Florida, THANK YOU for freeing Casey! She’s now available for partying and babysitting!”
Mindy Kaling: “Anyone else hoping Casey Anthony is stupid enough to sue herself for millions in a civil court?”
Kim Kardashian:“What!!!???!!! Casey Anthony found not guilty! I am speechless!”
Carson Daly: “That jury better get into hiding.”
Star Jones: “I believe in the jury system and accept (the) verdict, but I can’t take smiles from Casey Anthony right now. She may be not guilty but her baby is dead!”
Mandy Moore: “Woah! Shocked about the verdict in the casey Anthony trial! Thought she was guilty for sure! Either way, tragic story…”
Lo Bosworth: “Florida is weird.”
Ciara: “AMERICA! OW!”
Roseanne Barr: “our injustice system–criminals and idiots rule!” and “to the members of the jury: you ignored the hair of a corpse in the trunk of casey’s car. science is junk in america.”
Jason Biggs: “I guess the glove didn’t fit.”
Ashton Kutcher retweeted William Lang: “OJ Simpson finds this verdict outrageous.”
Kevin Nealon: “Casey Anthony. You go girl! You have three years of partying to make up for!”
Demi Mooreretweeted Jason Pollock: “#StillNoJusticeForCaylee”
Niki Taylor: “God will judge you Casey! This isn’t over!”
Melissa Carter: “No murder weapon. No motive. The law is not about emotion but evidence. I am not at all surprised.”
Holly Marie Combs: “Outraged. Out. Raged.”
Tenley Molzahn: “Wow. #CaseyAnthony is not guilty! This woman is being shown some amazing grace. We all know guilt plays it’s own punishment.Wow wow.” “I just hope #CaseyAnthony changes her path in life now that she’s been shown this grace, I’m shocked.”
Jill Zarin: “I can NOT believe Casey Anthony was found NOT GUILTY! What..the glove didn’t fit? The is terrible. I am SHOCKED.”
Kim Zolciak: “WOW”
Ricki Lake: “I’m disgusted! #notguilty? Oh come on.”
Aubrey O’Day: “They said she’s Not Guilty guys. The jury was her maker & that’s the law. I don’t know,my heart hurts. I don’t feel like justice was served.”
Benji Madden: “Casey Anthony looks Crazy man. like real Crazy. like street rat Krazy. Kray Kray. 100$ says she moves to LA in 30 days or less.”
Cheryl Burke: “Not guilty? Wow! Speechless!!”

sad sad sad day in america. so if a murderer doesnt admit to her crime or the act is not caught on tape, one gets away with murder. thanks florida for clearing that up.