First, Mila Kunis got asked to the Marine Corps Ball by a Marine –and she said yes.
Then, Justin Timberlake got asked to the same gala by another Marine — and he said yes, that is, if his schedule allows.
Now, it’s another celeb’s turn. Sgt. Ray Lewis – not to be confused with the famous Baltimore Ravens LB- has served in both Afghanistan and Iraq, but now wants to conquer Betty White. Lewis posted a video to YouTube on Friday pleading the 90-year old actress to be his date to the event.
To sweeten the offer, Lewis says he will be performing as a rapper and promises her a good time. Why White? “She’s funny, she’s sweet, she’s mature, she’s the all around perfect woman,” Lewis gushes in the video.
If this trend of celeb invites and acceptances holds, the Marine Corps Ball will be the biggest star-studded event other than the Oscars. I am feeling left out here – where is my Marine Corps Ball invite? Anyone, Anyone?
Watch the Betty White date invite for yourself: