Bachelor Pad 2, second episode aired August 15, 2011. Read below for a full recap of the episode which transformed Ames Brown into a romantic hero for the love of Jackie Gordon….
This week’s challenge required the contestants to test their throwing aim. First, the men were blindfolded with their backs to the ladies. The ladies were then asked various questions on how they felt about the men in the BP2 house. To answer, each lady threw a paint-filled egg at the target on one of the men’s backs who they thought best fit the answer. If the target was hit, the woman would get a point. The woman with the most points would win an immunity rose.
The questions posed to the women:
First question: Who are you least attracted to? Erica hit Kasey but Kasey shot back, “I’ve got the hottest girl in the house as my girlfriend, I’m obviously not unattractive!”
Second question: Who least deserves the $250,000?
Third question: Who do you want to go home this week? Almost every woman hit Jake for this answer which really hurt his feelings.
Fourth Question: Who do you think is the dumbest?
Melissa and Jackie were tied for first place until the final question. Jackie missed aiming for William. Melissa hit Graham and won. Crazy that this last miss by Jackie cost her the game but won her the man of her dream…keep reading!
The questions posed to the men:
Question one: Which girl is most likely to cheat on you? Vienna, Ella and Erica were the fave choices. Of course Jake hit Vienna because he said she cheated on him with three men.
Question two: Who do you want to go home this week. Let’s just say poor Erica for no reason looked all painted up since she was the guys’ favorite choice, except Jake went for Vienna.
Question three: Who are you least attracted to? Erica was chosen again by everyone. Jake and Michael Stagliano were tied for first place. Jake missed Erica but Mike made his target and won by nailing Erica so hard with the egg that she actually yelled in pain.
As their prize for winning, Michael and Melissa each got to chose three people to go on separate dates with them, and there was a rose at stake on each date. For his ‘Are You Afraid of the Dark?’ date, Michael chose Erica (he told her he chose her because this was the least fun way he has ever won anything), Michelle Money (cause he wanted to get to know her better) and Holly (because they have experience dating and they have fun together). Holly is nervous because “This is the first date Michael and I have gone on since we’ve broken up.” Along those lines, Michelle said “Going on a date with a guy and his ex-fiancee is a little awkward.”
The foursome went to a haunted hospital, the Linda Vista. While dating, Michael and Holly had read a book on this hospital and it freaked them out to be at this place where a lot of bad things have happened in the past. While Michael and Erica were alone trying to summon a ghost, Michelle and Holly bonded. Holly confided in Michelle that she and Michael haven’t really talked about their failed engagement and she doesn’t know how they can just be friends after all they’ve been through.
Michelle said she doesn’t deserve the rose and so, instead, she played Dr. Phil with Michael. “I feel like there is still something there with you and Holly,” Michelle told Michael. Michael said “yes and no” and then gave Michelle the rundown on his relationship with Holly–exactly what we the audience has wanted to know.
Michael said he met Holly at the wrap party for his season on The Bachelorette and fell in love with her then. “I waited a full year to ask her to marry me and I thought about it every day in between,” Michael said. After Holly said yes, there was a “slow decline” of their relationship for the next six months and Holly called the engagement off in November. Holly called Mike 4 or 5 days later and asked to get back together because breaking up was the biggest mistake she’s ever made. They dated again for three months and in March he realized he was never going to ask her to marry him again…Michelle interrupted so we didn’t hear the rest of the story of why Michael broke up with Holly in March.
Michael & Holly Talk:
Michael and Michelle joined Holly and Erica and it was then that he gave Holly the rose and she accepted. The two then got away and had a heartfelt talk about their relationship. Michael told Holly that he’s proud of them for still loving and respecting each other to do this show (HINT HINT Vienna and Jake). Michael started crying and said he wants to hang out with Holly all the time now that they’re in the house together because he knows how much fun she is. “Seeing you makes me realize that I really want you to be happy.” Holly said, “I don’t know what happened between us. I still don’t know why you broke up with me.” Michael said he doesn’t know why they broke up but she used to always tell him that something was missing and he didn’t know how to fix that. Holly said it was a matter of timing for them –that when he loved her, she didn’t love him and when she finally loved him, he didn’t love her anymnore. She asked, “Don’t you think we were always best friends?” Michael said, “No I always knew I loved you and wanted to marry you.” They hugged and cried together for awhile. “Yes I have fallen back in love with Holly,” Michael told the camera when alone but said he will give her the space she needs. HOLLY, MIKE, if you are reading this—PLEASE get back together because I have seen you two together in person and you two belong together!! This is just sad for no good reason!
For her “Chart a Course For Romance Date,” Melissa chose Kirk, Kasey and Blake to join her. She met with Kasey beforehand and said she will give him the rose if he promises to save her. Kasey told the camera he is like the Godfather and Melissa is expendable but loves her idea. Blake old the camera Melissa is not his type but he will play for the rose since he’s heard she’s interested in him.
They all went on board a yacht. Blake put on his best moves and Melissa fell for them hook, line and sinker. When in private, Blake told Melissa he can tell a lot by kissing someone and then kissed her to give her something to remember. After they made out, Blake became the Bentley Williams of the show by telling the camera that kissing Melissa “seemed like an easy way to pacify her for the moment.” If that was not bad enough, he compared himself to a prostitute and said, “I have to kind of whore myself out to keep her happy and maintain friendships that probably wouldn’t be there otherwise.”
The whoring worked because Melissa went back on her word to work with Kasey and gave the rose to Blake. Blake was happy and told Melissa in private that it is the two of them together until the end and made out with her all over again. Kasey was pissed for not getting a rose and called the “expendable,” “shady” and had the nerve to tell the camera that the $250K prize is showing everyone’s true colors. YES, KASEY…it is showing everyone’s true colors.
Vienna told the girls about the horrors of dating Jake: “I thought Jake was a really incredible guy until the cameras turned off.” She felt like she was treated like a possession; that they never went on dates and he didn’t treat her like a fiance. She said he would not even eat the food she cooked. “It took me a year to get through all that he put me through.” Jake on the other hand is heard telling the camera that he is sure to go home this week unless Vienna helps him or stops campaigning for him to leave.
Jake found Vienna approximately 0.5 seconds after she’d just gotten done telling the other women about his “unforgivable” behavior and asked “V” to speak privately. Vienna refused to speak without Kasey guarding and protecting her. Jake said to bring anyone else since Kasey was out on his date. She refused and Jake went away. Gia then told Vienna that Jake cares about her. Gia said what I myself have also said about Jake (I know him personally): “He never said anything bad about you to me.” Instead of being appreciative, Vienna said “Of course he wouldn’t. I never did anything bad to him.”
We then hear Jake say to the camera that he will be a gentleman and do nothing except watch Vienna sink herself.
Later at the elimination ceremony, Jake told Vienna and Kasey that he is in trouble and they are the only ones that can help him.
Poor Jake! He is f’d if these two are his saving graces. Jake asked them to help save him “out of the kindness of their hearts,” and that he plans to donate all of his winnings to charity. They laughed in his face and Vienna said, “I know you are in debt Jake. I know you own $230K in debt for your limo company so you can’t play me for a fool.” Kasey got even meaner and told Jake he is messed up in the head and doesn’t deserve to be there. Vienna said the whole house has been miserable with Jake in it and Kasey said Jake is a bad person. “You apologized, we’re good, go home,” said Kasey. Ella and Kirk who witnessed the whole thing were pretty dumbfounded why Vienna and Kasey would be so mean when Jake was trying so hard to be nice. We then saw Kasey showing off his
Bachelorette tattoo, throbbing, and declaring, “That means one thing. It’s guard and protect time. Are you ready?”
Gia says the way to win the game is to knock out the power couple who are Kasey and Vienna. She met up with Graham with whom she’s friends outside of the house to make him “a stronger player.” She shared her plan to get out the power couple and he agreed. He them proceeded to rat her out to Kasey, but keep reading…
Holly and Blake were spending time together in a private room with Blake asking for a massage. Holly told the camera that she has “never been so confused in her life,” because on the one hand, she has the love of nice guy Michael who loves her and is the love of her life and who wants to get back together with her, and on the other hand, she has Blake, the new Bentley who is “new and exciting.” WHY OH WHY ARE WE WOMAN (INCLUDING MYSELF) SOOOOO DUMB SOMETIMES!
In Holly’s defense, Blake is into Holly, at least for now. He told the camera: “Holly’s on this little island of serenity, and I just want to get in a little rowboat and join her on the island. And I can’t because every time I get in the rowboat, it gets capsized by the typhoon of Melissa.”
Speaking of Melissa, Holly asked Blake what the deal is with him and his “girlfriend” Melissa as the two cuddled in bed under a blanket. Meanwhile, Melissa was seen yelling and searching for Blake all over the house until she found Blake and Melissa and joined them in bed. Blake said this is not the threesome he had in mind. When things became awkward, Holly left. “She’s fun,” Blake uttered under his breath and Melissa said she can’t trust Blake. Blake said to the camera, “I feel like I have to handle Melissa with kid gloves, because I don’t want her to fly off the deep end.”
Melissa told Blake that she’s upset that he’s two-timing her. She said that last season on The Bachelor she looked crazy, so she came here to prove that she’s “fun, cool and awesome … I think!” Blake told the camera that Melissa is crazy and that is why she is 32 and still single.
Chris Harrison gets badass on Vienna:
When the night first started, Gia thought she was safe. Ella was worried about being eliminated. Jake “knew” he was going home 100%. When Chris Harrison showed up, Vienna complained to him in front of the house that it isn’t right for ABC to force her to stay in this house with her ex-fiance when ABC already forced them to have a public breakup on TV. She said it was unnatural for them to be in the same house. After Holly and Michael said they were having fun under the same circumstances, Chris Harrison became a bad ass all the sudden and laid down the law and asked Vienna who was forcing her to stay. When Vienna said no one, Chris continued and said, “If you are not happy here, here is a door, I will call a cab for you!” Glad to see someone calling Vienna out on her bullshit. No offense V.
The Twist:
Chris then drops a bombshell! He said that two women would be going home tonight –instead of what everyone thought and Kasey and Vienna hoped would be one woman and Jake. Jake dropped to his knees, saying “Oh my God!” Vienna was pissed and asked everyone to protest because “this is cheating.” Kasey said let’s go home to Vienna but we all know she won’t leave the spotlight, are you kidding me? Vienna said everyone in the house is on her side and she won’t leave because Jake would win if she left.
Gia leaves:
Michelle tried to get Jake to leave by telling him that he has no chance to win the $250K prize. Kasey, meanwhile, took Gia aside and told her that Graham ratted and sold her out and told him of her plan to get rid of Kasey and Vienna. Gia began to cry and said she really thought she had a shot to win. She confronted Graham and he admitted to telling Kasey. She ran into the house, sobbing. She said everyone in the house is sneaky while she packed her bags. “I’d rather take myself out and know that I played this honestly. Know that everyone deceived me here… I don’t think I was made for this game,” she told Chris Harrison before getting into the car to leave the show for good. While in the car, Gia said Kasey is supposed to guard and protect but all he is protecting is himself. I guess Gia forgot that the guard and protect line is for Kasey’s girlfriend, not every woman in the world or in the Bachelor Pad mansion.
Voting begins:
The girls mostly voted for Ella to leave because she really needs the money and would be a dangerous competitor. Erica told the men of the plan and Blake told Ella she’s in danger. Ella went on a campaign to save herself last minute and partnered up with Kirk. Kirk who has strong male ties in the house asked the men to save Ella and get rid of Jackie instead. Ames who has been making out with Jackie all show went to King Kasey and asked him to spare Jackie –Kasey said he is “controlling the game” because everyone wants to ally with them.
King Kasey may be right because Michael also went to him and asked Kasey and Vienna to vote out Jackie so they keep Kirk in their alliance. Kasey said even though he made a promise to Jackie and Ames, “Nothing is set in stone in this game” and he can
break his word adapt. Kasey and Vienna lied to Ames and Jackie and told them they will not vote Jackie out. “Call me a sniper, cause I will be under cover and I will be sniping people left and right and they won’t know who hit ’em,” said Kasey as he voted to get rid of Jackie.
Ames told Jackie “Bachelor Pad can either make you or break you.” Well it made us!” said his new girlfriend Jackie. “I think it may have broken … some people,” he said as the camera cut to Melissa who is beside herself watching Blake and Holly flirt with each other. Melissa called Blake out to everyone and said she is done with him. “When will it be MY TURN to have, like, a Vienna and Kasey or a Jackie and Ames?” she lamented.
At the rose ceremony, Michael who was safe handed out the roses. Melissa, Holly and Blake were also safe. Vienna, Michelle, Erica and Ella got roses, sending Jackie home. Jackie, who didn’t get the money but found the love, hugged everyone and said goodbye.
Ames is the new Romeo:
Ames walked her out and the two hugged, kissed and cried. We heard Ames’ voice over as Jackie’s limo pulled away, saying he has fallen in love with Jackie like he has never fallen in love before. Dressed in red pants, Ames looked at the people still left on this show, probably picturing for a moment what his future would look like if he stayed behind with some of these money and fame hungry lunatics, waved them goodbye and chased after Jackie’s limo! As everyone was cheering him on, he jumped into the limo and asked Jackie if there was room for one more. Ames told Jackie that they are the winners of
Bachelor Pad 2 and that theirs was the happiest limo ride on
Bachelor history.
Matt the masked man returned to the BP house as the contestants slept and made himself an omelet with the paint-filled eggs. But wait!! Was it Michelle that we saw cuddling with Graham while the two slept?

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