The Bachelorette Ashley Hebert is engaged to JP Rosenbaum! How’d it go down? Here is the full recap of the final rose and season finale episode (August 1, 2011).
Ashley’s family (mom, step dad, sis and bro) joined her in Fiji to meet the last two men standing. Ash told them that she has a “burning passion” with J.P. Not sure that was a good move to tell ma and pa.
J.P. arrived first to meet Ash’s family at the Vomo Island Resort and Spa. He told them about Ashley’s visit with his family and said meeting hers is the last piece of their relationship puzzle.
He made a great first impression on most of them, which we all knew he would, except for Ashley’s sister, Chrystie, whose opinion she has always valued over everyone else. “So, what’s going on here, cause I don’t think he’s the one,” Chrystie told Ash right off the bat, the second she got her alone. Ash kept asking why and her sister said “just the way you are with him, I don’t see it.” Their mom tried to say the two seemed fine but the sister said the defining question was, “Does he make you laugh and you answered, ‘I make myself laugh.'” The sister continued, “If you liked him, you would have said ‘yes.'” Chrystie said JP is too old and Ash is “too much: for this “demure man.”
Ashley broke down in tears because she really likes JP. Her mom told Ash to follow her heart and her sister said she needs to be more rational. Ashley said her heart is broken because her sister busted her bubble. Her mom said they can’t form a judgment in 15 minutes. Her sister said time is limited and this is how she feels. Not having her sister’s support left Ashley “more confused” which we know is a bad bad place for Ashley to be.
Ashley found solace in her brother and step dad. They both told her Chrystie does not even know JP and that Ash should go with her heart. Meanwhile, Chrystie met with JP and told him she is skeptical of their relationship and that is rare for her because she usually trusts Ashley. Chrystie asked her how JP could be so sure that he can propose to Ash and he said he smiles ear to ear when he’s with her and he’s in love with her. She then asked the 34-year old bachelor point blank, “You are so much older than my sister, and in my head I wonder why you have not yet found anyone. And what do you want with my much younger sister?” OUCH BIATCH! She kept with her one-liners: “I think she is too much for you.” She then accused him of being set in his ways. Say what? How does she know so much? She then told him that Ashley is not being herself around him and she expected to see more. “I told her that I saw more of you when you brought Brad Womack home.” JP was a gentleman and sat through all this bullshit. Eventually he asked her if she would be unhappy if he proposes and she said, yes!
Poor JP–he kept trying to break that ice. “I have to turn this around quick.” And Chrystie shot another dagger into JP’s heart, “I don’t think you can turn it around.” Seriously, WHO HURT THIS GIRL?! JP told the camera later he felt judged and was mad that she could have ruined something so amazing for him and Ash.
Ashley told JP her family loved her but was speechless about her sister. She admitted that she is easily influenced by her family and needs their approval. JP looked broken. He said the worst part for him was being told that Ash had more chemistry with Brad (who incidentally is 4 years older than JP and still single.) Ashley did nothing to reassure the dejected JP and the two parted ways.
Ash met with her sister again and asked her what the problem was. Chrystie responded that Ash’s problem is that she isn’t as rational as she is. Chrystie said “you just want me to like someone that I don’t.” Ashley said her sister is saying everything that is in her head and that she already knows but she is being such a bitch in her delivery. SO, wait, Ash also feels that JP is too old and too inflexible and too demure? I am so confused by Ashley, always. Her sister said she is trying to protect Ash from herself and even brought up Ash’s “gut” feelings for Bentley who left her on his own accord and that Ash always is wrong when going on her gut. Damn, Chrystie is starting to make sense.
Ben is up next to meet the fam and fared much better with Chrystie and the whole family who just gushed over him. What kills me is that Chrystie was impressed that Ashley could do a dog voice in front of Ben and he could talk back with her in the same voice, as if that and that alone will make for a good couple. Chrystie looked impressed and happy as a clam. Oh ya, I can see why a marriage would last when a couple can speak in dog voice to each other. This sister needs a clue.
Ben is up next to meet the fam and fared much better with Chrystie and the whole family who just gushed over him. What kills me is that Chrystie was impressed that Ashley could do a dog voice in front of Ben and he could talk back with her in the same voice, as if that and that alone will make for a good couple. Chrystie looked impressed and happy as a clam. Oh ya, I can see why a marriage would last when a couple can speak in dog voice to each other. This sister needs a clue.
Chrystie met with Ben alone and she definitely was easier on him and didn’t attack him out of the gate. “I see Ashley being herself..which makes me feel that she likes you.” OH yes, the dog voices. She blushed when she heard Ben say he loves Ashley and he definitely got her seal of approval.
Ben told Ash that even though he got grilled by Chrystie, he thinks it went well. He thought the whole meeting went so well that he stated he’d be engaged to her the next time they all meet. Not so fast there buddy, not so fast.
Ashley and Ben take a helicopter ride over the beautiful Fiji Islands, landing near some natural hot springs. The two share a steamy romantic date, smearing mud all over each other or as Ben put it, “lubing” each other up. Ashley said the date was sexy and wished she could “reach lower” which leaves me befuddled as to how she could get engaged to someone else less than a week after being lubed up by another.
Later on in the evening, Ben told Ash that his walls are coming down and finally proclaimed his love for her. He also told her that he got her family’s permission to marry her. Ash kissed Ben and later told the camera she’d be lucky to kiss him for the rest of her life. Hmmmm..wonder how JP felt to hear that tonight as he watched liked the rest of us.
The next day, Ashley and J.P. went on their date and poor JP was still a mess from meeting Ash’s sister. “Your sister really screwed me up.” He said her sister was wrong for judging them. He begged Ashley not to let her sister’s opinion influence her decision and did everything he could to defend himself, including finally admitting that he’s falling madly in love with her. He seemed sincere, vulnerable and sweet. I could see in Ash’s eyes that was the moment that everything changed for her and a decision was perhaps made. Yet JP still asked her to try not to break his heart. At the end of the day, JP gave her an unfinished story book with a picture of the two of them on the beach with a beautifully written love story. He told her she can take the book with her and if the two of them end up together, they could finish the story…AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
The next day, Ashley and J.P. went on their date and poor JP was still a mess from meeting Ash’s sister. “Your sister really screwed me up.” He said her sister was wrong for judging them. He begged Ashley not to let her sister’s opinion influence her decision and did everything he could to defend himself, including finally admitting that he’s falling madly in love with her. He seemed sincere, vulnerable and sweet. I could see in Ash’s eyes that was the moment that everything changed for her and a decision was perhaps made. Yet JP still asked her to try not to break his heart. At the end of the day, JP gave her an unfinished story book with a picture of the two of them on the beach with a beautifully written love story. He told her she can take the book with her and if the two of them end up together, they could finish the story…AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Ben was the first to approach Ashley and we knew that he was the man that was going to be rejected because Ash’s voice over just finished saying, “Who am I to break his heart?” Poor Ben had no idea and we heard his voice over: “When you know you know and I do believe Ashley is in love with me.” He thought he was a part of a fairy tale. He came to Ash and the voice over continued that he was thinking of his departed dad who’d be so proud of him. The worst part was that we heard Ben say that four years ago he lost his father but today he has a new addition to the family in Ash. OOPS!
When Ben saw Ash, he said, “Well, you don’t have a ring on your finger,” thinking that meant he was the chosen one. When Ash looked like she was about to cry, he told her “before you say anything, I am so sure of my feelings.” NO NO NO I yelled as he got on one knee and asked her to marry him. Ash remained silent and Ben stood up. “I’m sorry,” Ash said. “Wow,” Ben responded, probably thinking, “this chick was just lubing me up this week, so, how is it that I am now getting the shaft?” Ben said out loud, “I didn’t see this one coming.” Ash said she knew this was unexpected and this was the hardest thing she’s done here. “I know it’s not easy. I guess that’s it, right?” Ash said “I care about you so much,” and Ben just walked away. She called out his name twice and he stopped. She told him he is one of the most “interesting people” and he cut her off and said he does not need her to sugarcoat it for him. She said she did not want to end on these terms and he said “good things don’t end unless they end badly.” He left by sarcastically saying, “JP is a wonderful guy, I am sure you will have a nice life together.”
Ben told the camera he was in shock and didn’t know what the f*ck just happened. He said this was the most vulnerable he has ever been with a girl. He said, “JP is a safer bet than me and Ashley went safe.” We then cut to Ashley who said “I hate this, I hate that I just did this. I feel awful. So awful.”
Ashley said her relationship with JP is all she has ever wanted in a marriage. She said very early on JP asked her to take a leap of faith with her and that is what she is now going to ask him to do. When JP got there, she gave him a reassuring kiss and told him he looked great. JP said they have come a long way since he got out of a limo a scared, skeptical man. “I am an open book, my cards are all out on the table….I am still scared.” He told her he will take a leap of faith and that the time he’s spent with her has been the happiest time of his life. He said he is madly in love with her and loves everything about her. The feeling is mutual! Ashley said, “I have been wanting to tell you for so long how much I’ve loved you. You mean the world to me and I do not want to be with anyone else forever.” JP said, “I am so in love with you. You’re the one, you’re it.” With that, he got one knee and proposed and Ashley said, “Yes!” And of course he got the final rose which, yes, he accepted.
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