Big Brother 13 August 18, 2011 Head of Household competition is taking place right now. Check below for live feed results of who is winning. Keep checking back to see who won HOH.
All Washed Up is the name of the game – contestants have to transfer a cup of water one at a time and pour it in a jug holding a ping pong ball. The person whose ping pong ball would reach the top first would win and become head of household. This competition is ongoing and as soon as it finishes, I will post results here. SO COME BACK to see who won Head of Household. Also, Julie just told us this is double elimination week!
10:50pm Jeff in the lead
10:54pm Rachel/Porsche in second
10:55pm Rachel in second, Porsche in third..
11:05 pm Jeff’s lead is increasing. Rachel in second place
11:16pm Jeff well in the lead. Shelly, Porsche and Rachel for Second.
UPDATE: Jeff is currently planning on nominating Kalia and Porsche with hopes of back dooring Daniele. He and Rachel have made nice! He has already chosen Kalia and Porsche as the have nots for the week.
UPDATE #2: Click here to see who Jeff nominated for eviction.

YAY JEFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rachel came close! Wonder who Jeff is gonna nominate?????
i hope he does not get rid of rachel… Danielle needs to go
I also hope he does not turn on Rachel. I may be in the minority, but i like Brenchel! LOVE JJ and Dani without Dick is no fun for me!
I’m so happy Jeff won HOH!! Some major ass kissing is going to happen this week!
Brendan is a hell of a competitor. Shame to see him go again. S’all good, Danielle gonna get what she deserves.
I am ashamed of Jeff an Jordan this time around they aligned themselves c a snake an went with the house an turned on their alliance. When they see the video they will see Rachel was telling the truth about the snake shelly
ya, i agree…weird that they believed shelly over rachel. they will hate themselves when they watch the video.
Porche is a snake she pretended to be Rachel friend an she is riding everyone coat tail. Kali needs to think for herself because Daniel is isolation.g her. I can’t wait to are her get hers!
I meant using her. An get hers when she gets kicked out. Phone auto corrects for u! Lol
Y are u talking trash about Jeff an Jordan going with the house Rachel an Brendan r the ones that tried to throw Jeff under the bus trying to get Daniel to put him up so ur stupid
Jeff if you recall stared throwing Rachel and Brennan under the bus first because every deal Rachel and Brendan made c Daniel they always went back an told Jeff an Jordan an until the end they said they would have stated true to them. So r you stupid! I love Jordan an Jeff i followed them on amazing race which i hope Rendan an Rachel try out for because its about the strongest competitor not who likes you. If you play a good game without playing both sides to much them i cool c that but be loyal to atleast your alliance.
It is a game people. I love Jeff and Jordan and Racheal and Brendan. When they first came in the house, you knew they would be an awesome alliance. The game-lying, back-stabbing, and manipulation got in between them. They did not stay loyal to each other, no matter what. Then, Shelly put a big dent in their alliance when she started lying. I could not believe she would be the one to start that crap!!! I did like Shelly, but when she started that, she became a rat in my book. Right along with Danielle. Kalia, Porshe, and Adam. They have been riding on the coat tails of everyone else, right along with Shelly. That is why she had to make up the lie. To “show” the others she was really “playing” the game. Kalia, Porsche, Adam, Shelly, and most importantly Danielle need to go…..Brendan should stll be there. Yeah Shelly, you are a real good example for your daughter……. I hope Jeff makes the right decision. He really needs Racheal, or he will be next!
I agree!