Big Brother 13 eviction episode aired August 4, 2011. Here is a recap:
For the first time all season, a veteran walked out of the Big Brother 13 house via eviction Thursday night – but it was done at the hands of another veteran.
Brendon played Rachel’s knight in shining armor by taking her off of the chopping block and leaving himself in jeopardy. This shocking gesture made Daniele’s day because Brendon was always her target and she felt it would be easy to get him out of the BB house when sitting next to Jordan on the block.
Jordan felt safe against Brendon but jokingly said in the Diary Room that if people are going to vote her out, she would want to know in advance so she can wear her special eviction dress. She said she will be mad if she gets sent out in another outfit. Got to love this girl.
Rachel starts having a meltdown as realization sinks in that she and Brendon, the self-named ‘most dynamic-duo’ will be broken up. Brendon did his best to console Rachel. Jeff said in the Diary Room that Rachel is a good competitor but he does not know how he will be able to deal with her head game and will pull his hair out when every fruit in the house will remind Rachel of Brendon.
Kalia and Daniele keep getting closer and Kalia tells Daniele about Brendon’s use of the POV on Rachel, that “This is what we wanted.” Daniele agreed and said she is not afraid of Rachel and just needs to ensure the newbies vote out Brendon. She also tells Kalia she has to win the upcoming HOH.
Brendon and Rachel worked on the newbies to try to get enough votes for Brendon to stay. They first started with Porsche and campaigned against Jordan (“she’s won once already) and Daniele. Porsche said she would vote to keep Brendon — mainly to keep Rachel sane. Brenchel then worked on Adam and accused Daniele of not being loyal. Brendon asked Adam, “Should Rachel come after you for voting me out?”
Shelly was approached next. She told the camera that she’s been riding both sides and needs to see what is in her best interests from now on.
Daniele asked Adam why Rachel and Brendon are prancing around all happy, as if they have the votes for Brendon to stay. Adam said, “they’re trying to make deals, that’s all I will tell you, but I am making my own decision.”
Daniele met with Porsche and Porsche said Rachel wants her to vote for Brendon to stay. Daniele said she has Porsche’s back and Brenchel lie and would sell their first child. As she said that, Rachel walked in and asked what they were doing. AWKWARD silence. Rachel then stood up and left. Rachel told the camera that Porsche is her second best friend in the house and the thought of her hanging out with Daniele makes her uncomfortable. Later, Porsche told Rachel to stop being mopey because she’s still going to be in the house once Brendon leaves and she’s making people uncomfortable. Rachel got pissed at the sage advice and stormed off yelling that no one will help them in the house. Porsche walked off and said, “I can’t help you now girl.”
Brendon told Rachel to calm down because he is leaving her in the game to play and asked her if that was a mistake. She said yes and added that it was also a mistake to ask her to marry him. Rachel continued her self pity party of one and said she will never find a job outside of BB and Brendon tried his best to help her get to a better place (On the live feeds, Brendon was so concerned about Rachel’s meltdown, he asked for a psychiatrist to check her out-guess she passed).
We heard the veterans saying they all wished Evel Dick Donato had stayed in the game because he would not have tried the power play that Daniele has pulled. Then we saw Evel who said he would have played the game completely differently than Daniele has and that he would never have let her play this bad a game had he been in the house. Dick, who won season 8 of BB with Daniele coming in second, said Daniele is now trying so hard to live out the shadow cast on her by Dick that she’s playing too hard, too fast. In regard to Dominic, Dick said all Daniele did was lay in a bed with him all day and “grab ass” and thought that formed an alliance but instead made Dom a bigger target. He said Daniele’s flirtations were a repeat of season 8: “Instead of NICK, it’s DomiNICK!” Dick said Daniele also pulled a “stupid move” when trying to back door Jeff last week and should have waited until week 8 to break up the couples. Dick said Daniele is not a strategic player but plays hard in competitions so she still has a chance to win without her father in the house though it will be very hard.
Daniele told Julie Chen in private that she thinks her dad thinks she’s playing like an insane person but that’s OK since her dad is insane. She said she regrets making the move against Jeff two weeks too soon because it cost Dominic his game. Julie asked her if she could ever play with Rachel again and she said no way because Rachel thinks she has split up a marriage not a couple in the house and she takes it personally. Daniele finished by saying she expects Rachel to try to take her out of the house and kill her outside of it.
Brendon was voted off and eliminated by a vote of 5-2. Brendon spent most of his time saying goodbye to Rachel before leaving and asked the houseguests not to kill each other.
Jeff voted against Brendon;
Rachel voted against Jordan;
Adam voted against Brendon;
Porsche voted against Jordan;
Lawon voted against Brendon (I forgot he was still in the house)
Shelly voted against Brendon;
Kalia voted against Brendon.
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