This Big Brother spoiler just in: Porsche won the second HOH competition on August 25, 2011 after Kalia won and sent Jeff home. I will have details as soon as possible.
Before the last HOH comp, Jordan, Adam, and rachel were crying because of Jeff’s departure and Shelly came in and asked to talk to Jordan. Jordan refused. Shelly tried to stand up for herself and said this is only a game and she could not win with Jeff and Jordan still in the house.
Jordan started telling at Shelly, “I gave you the f*ocking phone call Shelly!” She accused everyone for treating Dani like a god. Jordan said she doesnt give a f*ck about Evel Dick. Finally, it dawns on Jordan where she messed up and she yelled that she’s an idiot for voting Brendon out and keeping Shelly instead.

Shelley back stabbed Jeff and Jordan when they are the only reason she is as far as she is. She pretends like she is all about her family but she is a snake. Jordan and Rachael need to get her out! She is not a game player she is a flip flopper, play all sides, fly between borders! Team Jeff, Team Racheal, Team Jordan!
This all saddens me…its all Dani’s fault for fin over the vets! And now Kalia or porche will probably win this game. GROSS! As long as it’s not shelly!
Does noone realize that JORDON IS THE WORST FLOATER TO EVER PLAY BIG BROTHER — SHE WON THE OTHER SEASON BECAUSE OF JEFF , Jeff deserved to leave because he was bullying and being a complete Jack *ss in the house since the second week . Im soooooooo glad hes gone — Dani should have won this game if Kalia had stood up to Jeff instead of backing down earlier in the game .