The Bachelorette, The Men Tell All, aired Sunday July 31, 2011. Ashley Hebert, Chris Harrison, and the castoff bachelors revisited some of the most memorable moments of the season.
From masked man Jeff to bad boy Bentley Williams, this promised to be an unpredictable reunion. We all wanted to hear Bentley explain why he went on the show and why he played with Ash’s heart. But Bentley rained on our parade and was a no show, leaving this get together one of the tamest and possibly lamest in recent memory.
Here are some highlights:
Ashley answered viewers’ question on why there was a jar of Vaseline next to her bed when she was crying over Bentley. She said she uses Vaseline as chapstick. ZZZZZZZZZZ…more much ado about nothing like the rest of this season..
Ryan admitted to being over excited on the show – especially when he got nervous. Ashley said her goodbye with Ryan (the first one around) was her hardest goodbye, especially when he asked her, “You don’t want to meet my family?”
Ryan went from being too happy on the show to having an emotional breakdown when Ashley sent him home. Blake called Ryan out on his breakdown and said, “Call me skeptical, or playing devil’s advocate, but my problem is you and I had roughly the same amount of time with her, and maybe your conversations had a lot more depth than mine, but to walk away and be so completely devastated when she said ‘no, thank you,’ I find it surprising.” Blake continued and told Ryan that after being dumped, he kept saying he wanted ‘love,’ but never said he wanted ‘Ashley,’ and felt the two were interchangeable for him. Ryan said he bought several relationship books before coming on the show and made pages of notes on what to ask a potential mate, so, his time with her was very real. “I came prepared.”
Jeff said that he wanted to wear the mask the first night only. Then he thought it would be funny to wear it during the rose ceremony. Chris D called Jeff an idiot for wearing a mask on the show. Tim said masks freak him out and it’s creepy. Good one Tim, but you know what else freaks me out? Men passing out drunk on their first date!
William, who went from having the best first date ever and almost marrying Ashley to roasting her to tears at the comedy club, said he was only able to stomach watching the first episode when it aired on TV. He could not even watch the high lowlights shown on Men Tell All. He even covered his ears during the recaps. He said he can’t watch or listen to the sound of his voice on TV. He said he made an ass out of himself on TV and can’t change what happened; he can only change himself moving forward.
Nick asked William who he wanted to be The Bachelorette, Chantal or Emily, and William said, “I was happy with Ashley.” Nick followed with, “Why are we all here? William said, “Cause none of use can find a girl to date, cause all of us are single.”
The women in the studio audience went nuts for Ames and he told Chris Harrison that he is surprised with all the attention he’s gotten since the show. He said, “Ashley said a bunch of times that I was unique and different, and I thought maybe that was a gentle way of saying, ‘this isn’t working,’ but I just hope that whatever is unique and different about me, appeals to someone.”
Ames said his relationship with Ashley felt natural and real, and he didn’t pay attention to her relationship with other men, so, he did not realize he was behind other guys. But don’t feel so bad about Ames, he will be appearing on Bachelor Pad 2 for another chance at love. As a parting gift, Chris gave Ames his pink Thai boxing gloves!
Bentley was invited to the show but he declined to attend. BOOHOO BENTLEY, BOOHOO!!
Nick called Bentley’s game plan “crappy.” Blake took it where he should have and said what Bentley did to Ashley is a “terrible display of humanity.” He called him a coward, narcissist, and a liar. Mickey said, “Karma is a bitch, my friend!”
Michelle Money, who had warned Ashley before the season started about Bentley was on the show Sunday. She said it’s hard to know when things are true or not but her information from Bentley’s ex-wife was valid and hurtful enough, so, she decided to tell Ash. Michelle told Ash that he was there as a game and wanted to stay there just a week. Michelle said “we all want what we can’t have” and wondered if she had NOT warned Ash, maybe she would not have been drawn so hard to Bentley.
Ashley, dressed in a killer sexy black dress, came on stage and said the men looked good!
She said the hardest part of this process for her is how everyone has reacted to how things went down with Bentley. She fought back tears while admitting that she felt like a fool for being played on national TV and being called ‘an ugly duckling.’ She said people have been really hard on her. Ash continued, “The hardest part is seeing how much time I wasted. If I could go back, I would change that. Wasting so much time is my biggest regret.” She asked the men for forgiveness for that part. Blake said it wasn’t so much Bentley, but he was bothered by anyone coming back for a second chance and the fact that she fell so hard for someone so fast.
Ali said this season was hard for her to watch because she related to Ashley in that she felt like a normal girl and wondered like Ash did if the men wanted her. Ali said the process is worth it if one can find that one guy like she has. DeAnna said the second Ash kicked out Bentley, she stood up and raised her arms and jumped up and down in joy.
In case you are wondering, Ash is happy! She confirmed: “I am very very happy and I hope everyone can hold out a bit longer and can share in my enjoyment.” Well, we actually do not have to wait much longer. The season finale of The Bachelorette airs Monday night, August 1 on ABC.
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