BIG BROTHER SPOILERS: Who Does Current HOH Nominate & Pandora’s Box Is Opened!


WELCOME to Big Brother 13 spoilers for August 26, 2011. NONE of what you are about to read has aired on CBS, so, if you don’t want to know spoilers from the live feeds, stop reading please!!

Porsche has won HOH. And nominated Jordan and Rachel for eviction. Shocker.

Jordan and Rachel are about to throw in their one collective towel as it’s all but inevitable that one of the Jordan/Rachel duo will go to the jury house this week, with Rachel being Porsche’s main target. BUT WAIT! The vets get a lucky break when Porsche gets greedy and opens Pandora’s box to win $5,000.

Opening Pandora’s box will now allow pairs to compete for the veto as a team, so, the duo of Rachel and Jordan have the chance to save both of them in one shot! I am 100% pulling for them to win the veto because this game has to stay interesting. Thank you Big Brother Gods!

So, we will have the duos of Adam and Shelly, Porsche and Kalia, and Rachel and Jordan fighting for the POV! Porsche has said that Adam and Shelly can have her $5,000 if they win the veto and keep the nominations the same. Here’s hoping Jordan and Rachel can also strike a final four deal with Kalia and Porsche. I need Shelly to go home! GO GO GO! Who’s with me?!

Let’s GO!


2 thoughts on “BIG BROTHER SPOILERS: Who Does Current HOH Nominate & Pandora’s Box Is Opened!

  1. I get so annoyed in seasons like this one when strong people knock each other out early while floaters watch on the site. I would’ve loved to see Shelly, Adam, and Porsche’s spots filled with Dani, Brendan, and Jeff! Now that’s a Competition!

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