Did you catch the oddest contestant we will probably see make it through the next round on The X Factor Wednesday night?
I am talking about J. Mark Inman, the 31-year-old philosophy student who auditioned in Chicago (September 28, 2011) and compared his life to “the algorithm for pi” right after he said “J+Mark+X+Factor= $5Million.”
J. Mark performed his own whacked out take on Radiohead’s Creep. Yet, as bizarre and bad as he was, he was enthusiastically pushed through to the next round as if he had hypnotized and mesmerized the judges.
Backed by a stuttering electronic track of the Radiohead song which of course he made himself, J Mark looked really out of place on the big X Factor stage. Then, the music began and he looked even more misplaced. But his voice didn’t start. At first. He just slithered across stage in some kind of weird hip hop moves and it, I am afraid to admit, worked. Then he started singing. And I couldn’t tell if I loved him or was scared of him. Or, possibly even both?!
As the song ended with the lyrics, “I don’t belong here…,” Paula Abdul and the audience gave him a standing ovation. Paula of course understood and got him because as Simon Cowell said, “he is from Planet Paula.” She said, “You don’t belong here. You’re other worldly. You are in another jurisdiction, fooor suuure. I think I have visited there once or twice in my life. Oh the places we could go together.”
Said L.A. Reid: “It sounded so bad, but felt so goooood.” Inman was sent through to the next round, and he seemed as shocked as anyone, espeically a wicked-smiled Simon.
Watch the amazingly odd audition video clip below: