Tyrese is one of the coolest cats I’ve met. SO, when I heard he got kicked off of a radio interview mid stream, I had to wonder why?
Apparently, that offended the Program Director because when the show cut to commercial, Tyrese was asked to leave the building and told he was “disrespecting” the Delaware community. Say what?!?
Tyrese took to Twitter to rant:
“I just kicked out of a radio station frm a [program director] who had a problem w/ me speaking on liquor stores that are by elementary schools in Delaware.
In 17 years I hv NEVER been kicked out of a radio station.. Because I have a problem w/ liquor stores being across from elementary schools?
Wow! We just got kicked out of radio station for speaking the truth and wanting to uplift the community..[Tyrese ReTweet of BellaMatrix]
Was a rough day.. I was just tryna return the love to DE and got kicked out of te radio station
I was also told that the PD made them ERASE my interview so that NO ONE could HEAR me SPEAK on the issue of the liqour stores near kids.
Love is love y’all .. When you stand for something.. You will create a shift in the universe.. Salute to all of you for your support!
If you don’t STAND for something.. You will damn near fall for Anything.
If you don’t know WHO you are.. Or your purpose in life.. You will go your whole life with people TELLING you who you are..”