After 33 years on CBS’ 60 Minutes, Andy Rooney has said goodbye and left the building. For good.
The venerable 92 year-old commentator aired his last segment Sunday, talking about his life and career and how fortunate he’s been throughout his illustrious life. “Of all the things I have complained, I cannot complain about my life.”
“When I went on television, it was as a writer…I probably haven’t said anything here that you already didn’t know, or hadn’t thought. There aren’t too many original thoughts in the world. A writer’s job is to tell the truth,” said Rooney. I have always hoped that people will like what I have written. Being liked, is nice, but that is not my intent.” He continued, “I believe that if all the truths were known about everything in the world, it would be a better place to live.”
“This is a moment I have dreaded and I wish I could do this forever. I can’t though….And I don’t always say this, but, ‘Thank you.’ “
Watch Rooney’s farewell video below: