In episode 13 from season one of The Big Bang Theory, “The Bat Jar Conjecture,” which airs Wednesday October 10th, Sheldon’s arrogance ostracizes him from the group which leads to him competing directly against his friends with Sheldon’s Group.
Have you ever competed against a good friend? If your best friend knew that one item that would make amends, what would it be?
Is it as funny as a batman cookie jar?
I am not at all competitive when it comes to my friends. But I know that women are very competitive with their girl friends when it comes to men. I just don’t get it. Men seem to have a “guy code” but I just don’t see that with women. So-called friends of mine have no qualms dating my ex’es or other ‘friends’ ex’s and claiming, “I won,” as if the guy that would date two friends is a catch of some sort! I’d take a Batman cookie jar full of cookies over a ‘friend’ like that any time!
How about you? Have you ever competed against a good friend? If your best friend knew that one item that would make a mends, what would it be?
The Big Bang Theory is now on 5 Night a Week! Go to: www.bigbangweeknights.com to check their local listings.
“I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote The Big Bang Theory in Syndication.”