Hilary Duff chose The Ellen DeGeneres Show to announce the sex of her unborn child, on an episode which will air Monday.
“I haven’t told anyone yet. I wanted to tell you first. I just found out. It’s a boy! I had a feeling it was a boy the whole time,” Duff revealed to Ellen.
Duff continued, “Everyone keeps saying it’s a girl, but I think it’s a boy. I don’t care what I get, but every time I think about it or dream about it, I see a boy.”
Duff said she’s a little over four months preggo but Ellen joked, “I don’t know. I can’t see that you’re even pregnant.” Duff said, “I feel great, actually. It’s been super easy. No sickness, but crazy dreams.”
On Friday, Hilary also met up with Mario Lopez of Extra at The Grove in Los Angeles for an interview, before heading to her book signing at the Barnes & Noble.