Big Bang Theory 5 Nights A Week!


In episode 1 of season 2 of The Big Bang Theory, Leonard and Penny go on their first date. Both people feel insecure about the date and unbeknownst to them both, each of them has feelings for the other person.

When Leonard learns of Penny’s insecurity about her intelligence, he gives her brochures to a local community college and tells her he is fine dating a girl who isn’t smart. Penny abruptly slams the door in his face.

In your opinion, What are the top 3 things that a man should never say to a women? Would any of these be a deal breaker? 
For me, the number one thing that men should never tell another woman is their ex’s. Men should never compare their ex to another woman. A reference here and there may be OK, but a man who constantly talks about his ex would be a deal breaker for me!
Also, men should lay off the weight subject. They should never tell a woman she needs to lose weight or start working out. That’s just tacky. We know what we weigh!
Lastly, a man should never talk about fighting. I don’t want to know about your latest bar brawl. If you fight men and are proud of it, keep your mouth shut! And yes, that would be a deal breaker!
The Big Bang Theory is now on 5 Night a Week and direct all readers to to check their local listings.

Disclosure: I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote The Big Bang Theory in Syndication.

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