Survivor: South Pacific Season 23 Episode 6 aired October 19, 2011.
Below are live blogging and spoiler results of who is the latest castaway and who won the duel on Redemption Island. Look all the way at the bottom of spoiler results if you want to know now what happens!
The Redemption Island Duel:
Christine has won three duels in a row but getting really antsy on being on Redemption Island. Christine goes head to head against Elyse in this week’s duel and the goal is to knock off the other person’s puck. Christine goes first. Then Elyse who knocks her own puck off. At the end, Christine ends up winning for the 4th time in a row and Elyse is eliminated for good. Christine stays to fight another duel.
The Immunity Challenge
This Immunity Challenge involves slinging coconuts at targets. The first tribe to knock down all of their targets would win. Edna sat out for Upolu since they had one extra player. Everyone got frustrated with Mikayla, who kept insisting on using one hand to sling the coconuts but kept missing. Coach even asked her to sit out the challenge, but she refused. Savaii won immunity.
The vote:
The sixth person voted out of Survivor:South Pacific is MIKAYLA
Spoilers said that Christine wins the duel again, and Savaii wins the immunity challenge. Upolu kicked off Mikayla. Looks like they were right!