Justin Timberlake Delivers On Promise & Attends Marine Corps. Ball


As if Justin Timberlake wasn’t already cool enough, he won some extra swagger points over the weekend when he delivered on his promise to accompany Cpl. Kelsey DeSantis to The Basic School Instructor Battalion 236th Marine Corps Birthday Ball in Richmond, Virginia.

DeSantis, the only female Marine based at Quantico, VA, had asked the actor to the ball back in July via YouTube. The video caught JT’s attention, and he accepted. But we all wondered if he’d actually go through with it. Well, he did. And he had the time of his life.

Timberlake had so much fun at the ball in fact that he blogged to his “family, friends and fans”: “I knew I would have an evening that I wouldn’t forget…Something I could tell my friends about.” Timberlake added, “What I didn’t know was how moved I would be by the whole experience.”
Saying the night was “one of the most moving evenings I’ve ever had,” Timberlake wrote, “I felt so proud to be there. I felt like I was getting a chance to be among my heroes. It’s funny too because a lot of them are SO younger than me.”

During the night’s festivities, Timberlake and the other ball attendees watched a special video about Pearl Harbor, World War II and the September 11 terrorist attacks which left JT writing, “It was a surreal moment to be in that room with so many of our great Marines who have such a different type of connection to those stories.”

Timberlake concluded, “To all of you that serve every day for us…Ensuring our freedom, I say: My deepest gratitude to you. I’ve met so many of my heroes… From Michael Jordan to Michael Jackson. And, nothing makes me feel more honor and pride than when I get to meet one of you. Last night changed my life and I will never forget it.

“Thank you Corporal Kelsey DeSantis. Thank you for inviting me. And, thank you for being my hero.”


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