The Bachelor aired its fourth episode of the season January 23, 2012. Below is a live recap of the show AND spoilers of who will get a rose and who will get eliminated.
Ben Flajnik and the remaining women headed to Park City, Utah.
Rachel gets the one-one-one date, “Let Nature Take Its Course.” Ben takes her on a helicopter ride and then a canoe ride. They row to the middle of the lake and share some kisses and a bottle of Champagne. Ben told Rachel that he wants to get to know her better, but she’s tougher to read than the other girls.
Ben and Rachel then go for a walk in the woods and then to a house which has dinner already set up. There is a rose on the table. She tells Ben she struggles with her with communication and is not good at being open. Ben is happy she is trying to open up to him, so, Rachel gets a rose!
Ben comes riding in on a horse for the group date and tells the ladies they are going to go horseback riding and fly fishing. During the date, Ben finds Kacie B and gives her a bit of alone time. Of course, Courtney who is not happy to be on a group date spies on them and decides she is going to turn this group date into a one-on-one date.
Lyndzi sees Ben and Courtney spending Ben taktime together and interrupts them. During fly fishing, Courtney catches a fish and Ben makes her kiss it.
Ben and Kacie B. go for a walk. He tells her that he badly wanted to kiss her at the river. He also tells her that he thinks their relationship is growing fast and that she’s wonderful.
Ben next takes Courtney to the upstairs fireplace. She says she’s having a rough time not being with him all the time and it’s making her sad. Courtney gets the group date rose.
Jennifer and Ben go hiking. They come upon a fence with a no trespassing sign. They hop over it and come upon a rusty cage over a hole/crater. Ben and Jennifer drop down into the 300-foot crater and Jennifer is terrified.
They then go on a gondola ride and then have dinner. Jennifer tells Ben that she was dating her ex for four years. When he didn’t want to marry her, she walked away. Jennifer gets a rose. They take a gondola ride back and go to a Clay Walker concert.
Emily tells Ben that there is one girl (Courtney) who acts differently from anyone else in the house and it bothers her that she got the rose at the group date. Ben tells her that she should not worry about that and if she does, it will be drive her crazy and cause her own demise. Emily and Samantha argue over Courtney, sand Samantha tells Courtney everything. Courtney says she almost wants to rip Emily’s head off and verbally assault her.
Rachel and Jennifer each got a rose on the one on one date. Courtney got the rose on the group date.
These women got a rose at the ceremony:
Kacie B.
Casie S.
Samantha and Monica are sent home.