On last night’s episode of The Bachelor, Ben Flajnik chose Courtney Robertson and Lindzi Cox as his final two suitors. On the upcoming March 12 finale of show, Ben will get down on one knee and propose to one of these women.
Who do you think will end up with the final rose and a big rock on her finger?
The Bachelor himself had this to say on his blog for People:
On Lindzi: “She is always up for anything, and that is a really attractive quality. Speaking of attractive, sometimes I’m awestruck when looking at Lindzi.” Ben continued, “I find her to be so beautiful, even when I put her in a helmet and harness and dangle her from a rope.”
About the fact that Lindzi has finally opened up to him, Ben said, ” Lindzi also started to open up to me even more. I know it’s hard for her and she likes to go for the joke before the serious moment, but I also want to be married to someone who I can have those serious discussions with and a woman who will tell me how she really feels.” Ben added, “The last few weeks, Lindzi has been doing that.”
Ben concluded, “For the first time, I truly feel I am in love with this woman and was looking forward to dinner and seeing if she was feeling the same way.”
On Courtney: “I love her silliness and quirkiness, but I want to see an emotional side too, and this came just in time. I was excited to see how our relationship develop even more. I light up every time I am around Courtney.”
Of their time together, Ben wrote, “We had a lot of natural, easy-going fun, and I realized how many things we have in common when it comes to things like traveling, food and music.
“But I still couldn’t stop thinking about the other women’s warnings. I felt like she deflected any of the blame, and it was starting to really bother me that she didn’t see her role in any of the drama amongst the women. The dinner conversation we had was exactly what I needed to hear. I was really relieved to hear Courtney admit that she could have tried harder.”
“I know they were sometimes mean to her, too, but I needed to hear her say she could have done things differently and gotten much better results.”
“I have tried this entire journey to be patient and more forgiving. Courtney was worth the patience and I was happy to feel like she turned a big corner.”
Sounds like a tie to me. Who do you think Ben will chose? Courtney or Lindzi?

I didnt like her, but finally warmed up to Courtney as she explained her feelings for Ben and her short commings towards the other girls. I just wonder if she is a partner and can be a mother of possibly 4 children (which he wants)????
She has trust issues towards men and women…..red flag??? How does he believe that she will be stable in a relationship without trust? She is not trusting her self and that is the greatest problem. She needs him to find trust….Best wishes for Ben and Courtney and I still feel Ben did not chose wisely.