Ben Flajnik had to deal with a whole lotta of drama on Monday’s episode of The Bachelor, including a once-again nude Courtney Robertson, a crying Blakeley Shea and a two-timing Casey Shteamer.
On Kacie B.:
“I really appreciated Kacie opening up the way she did. It takes guts to tell someone the things you’re not proud of, and I respect her even more for turning it into a positive.”
On Courtney:
That’s why I was drawn to Courtney during the daytime portion of the group date – she made it a point to spend time with me. I always knew how she felt and she made sure to let me know that she was thinking of me.
“I will admit though, I wasn’t pleased when she got in the pool during my time with Jamie. I know she was just trying to let me know that she’s interested, but Jamie has a tough time opening up and having Courtney there wasn’t helping.”
On Blakeley:
“She never ceased to amaze me with her openness. I knew I had to decide whether or not I saw her as my wife. I could’ve easily dated Blakeley for another few weeks but I knew in my heart it wasn’t forever so I decided to let her go. ”
On Casey S.:
“I had just sent Blakeley home, and I kept thinking, ‘How could you let yourself be here still if you’re not that into me?’ I can’t change the way I reacted but I do hope Casey S. finds a man that appreciates her like she deserves.”
On Jaime’s kissing lesson:
“Still, I felt like I was taking advantage of her in some way. I knew there wasn’t enough time left to get to a place with Jamie that we needed to so I had to let her go.
“She is one of the sweetest, most sincere women I’ve met and I hope she finds a man that is ready to go from 0 to 60 with her.”

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