The new season of Celebrity Apprentice premiered February 19, 2012 and below is a full recap of the show, including who was the first to be fired by Donald Trump.
Our eighteen new celebs met with their new boss, Donald Trump at Lincoln Center in NYC. After their meeting, the celebs split into male/female teams and their first task is to come up with a name. Penn Teller comes up with the name Unanimous for the male team whereas the women come up with Forte.
The teams meet up with Donald, Don and Ivanka in the boardroom. Trump tells the teams Marco Andretti will not be participating in the task because he just lost a dear friend. His father, Michael will step in for him.
The first task is a celebrity sandwich-sell-off. The men want to sell easy-to-make the sandwiches with relatable titles such as “The Chopper.”
Donald Trump calls the PMs and asks them to bring their best celebrity sandwich to The Rachael Ray Show. The taste test winner will get a bonus for their team. Victoria and Lisa represent Forte with the Celebrity Club Internationale while Arsenio and Adam show up for Unanimous with the Chopper.
The women set a first episode record by raising $126,962 in the first episode. The Rachel Ray winner is Unanimous who get an additional $35,000 added to the money they raised. The men raised $367,120, $305K of it came from one of Paul’s friend’s alone. The men win! Patricia must choose who she will bring back to the boardroom with her and she picks Cheryl and Victoria.Trump feels bad that he has to fire someone from Forte because they did such a great job. Patricia feels that she worked very hard but felt that some people held back. She says if she could fire someone, it would be Cheryl.

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