Ke$ha Gets A Make-Under, Calls Self A ‘Praying Mantis’

Ke$ha gets make under for Glamour

Ke$ha cleans up real nice without the Mohawk, makeup and all the glitz. A made-under, softer-looking singer appears in the latest issue of Glamour magazine.

Here are some excerpts from the interview with the 24-year old singer:

On succeeding as a female rock star:

“I know that I have balls. I have bigger balls than a lot of the men that I meet. I’m just a ballsy motherf*****. I’m not afraid of pushing boundaries. That’s what you have to do to become an icon.”

On her love of body-paint:

“Oh, the body paint stays. It’s my favorite thing to do. Sometimes I have parties at my house in Nashville and it’s clothing-optional, and we just body-paint each other and run around, and I have a giant bed. I’m very much in touch with that side of myself.”

On being photographed without makeup:
“My makeup is usually left over from the night before. I’m not really worried about the photographs because if I tell my fans not to give a f*** about the haters, then I have to practice what I preach. I embrace the imperfections and celebrate them.”

On her future in the music industry:
“Eventually, I would love to be on my deathbed and looked at as an icon. Right now I’m still at the baby stages of my career. But that is the goal.”

On eating men:
“I do destroy men on a weekly basis. It’s like a hobby. I’m like a praying mantis. They f-ck me, and then I eat them. But who isn’t amused by a giant, dancing penis? Sometimes when I’m sad, I make my assistant put on the penis outfit and bounce around my house.”


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