Rumors have been swirling for a while that Khloe Kardashian Odom has a different biological father than Kim and Kourtney Kardashian.
Khloe’s sister, Kylie Jenner, had a little bit of fun with this rumor Wednesday and posted this photo of her older half-sister with a grey haired man. The caption read: “First official photo of my sister and her dad! Like father like daughter!”
The dude in the photo is Alex Roldan, Kris Jenner’s longtime hairdresser–one of the men recently fingered as Khloe’s biological dad.
But before you believe any of this as true, see what Kris Jenner had to say about it. “OMG can’t anyone take a JOKE??!!!!!!! Hahahahhahh,” Kris tweeted, adding moments later, just to be sure, “hahahah so silly right??! Wow I really wish this was our April Fools! Should have saved it LOL.” Kylie also Tweeted, “It was a joke everyone! Lol!”